Tuesday, March 27, 2018

These Are The 7 Big Pentagon Numbers In The $1.3 Trillion Spending Deal That Was Signed Into Law Last week

The Pentagon, headquarters of the United States Department of Defense, taken from an airplane in January 2008. Wikipedia

Michael Rainey, Fiscal Times: 7 Big Pentagon Numbers in the $1.3 Trillion Spending Deal

The Department of Defense is one of the biggest winners in the $1.3 trillion omnibus spending bill working its way through Congress, with the Pentagon receiving $700 billion for the current fiscal year, a $61 billion increase from 2017.

House Speaker Paul Ryan emphasized the Pentagon funding Thursday, calling the spending package “the Trump-Jim Mattis budget,” a reference to the secretary of defense.

The base Pentagon budget for fiscal year 2018 is $590 billion, with an additional $65 billion for the defense component of the Overseas Contingency Operations fund and the remainder appropriated to defense-related activities in other federal agencies. The total is $80 billion higher than the funding levels defined by the 2011 Budget Control Act, which lawmakers agreed to bust through this year and next. Some critics have charged that the spending caps imposed by the Budget Control Act have resulted in serious maintenance problems for the military.

Here are some of the big Defense budget numbers and what the money will buy:

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WNU Editor: The $89.2 billion for research and development is the number that caught my eye. That is a lot of money for R&D.


Anonymous said...

The omnibus was a classic deal, made many times in the past. The GOP gets a massive defensive hike, which is reversible in out years, in exchange for a massive hike in social spending which is not reversible in out years. Its why the US has such a massive federal debt.

R&D is huge because the powers that be over the last 16 years blew our huge lead in technology for just more debt. Future years should condemn Bush, Obama and their enablers for all the misery they have unleashed.

Unknown said...

Incredible waste. 10.2 billion for aircraft that don't work. 11.5 billion for missile defense that doesn't work. 23.8 billion for the Navy: one big target and 3 ships that do nothing. At least you can make an argument for the submarines and destroyers. In the meantime the US lags behind in healthcare, kids don't have lunch and we have some areas of the country that have third-world levels of poverty. Well the wealthy and big business got their tax cut so we have that to be proud of.

Bob Huntley said...

So true Jason and it unbelievable that the people continue to take it on the chin.

fred said...

Trump bill gop House gop senate and dems to blame?
Nope. Tax cuts caused huge deficit
Put bias aside and get real
A massive tax break for the wealthy