Thursday, March 15, 2018

U.S. Central Command: There Has Been No Provocations From Iranian Forces In The Persian Gulf Since August

An Iranian vessel steers close to the U.S. Navy coastal patrol craft USS Thunderbolt (R) in the Gulf in a still image from video provided by the U.S. Navy July 25, 2017. U.S. Navy/Handout via REUTERS

The Hill: No Iranian provocations in Gulf in months: Central Command

U.S. Naval Forces Central Command said on Thursday there have been no provocations from Iranian forces in the Persian Gulf in several months.

Navy Cmdr. William Urban told The Associated Press that there have been no “unsafe and unprofessional” gestures from the Iranian navy in the region since last August

“It seems like they’ve absolutely made a conscious decision to give us more space,” Urban told the news service. “That is definitely a change in their behavior.”

The Navy said 14 “unsafe and/or unprofessional” encounters between the two forces took place in the eight months in 2017 leading up to August.

Read more ....

Update #1: Iranian Naval Forces Halt 'Provocations' (AP)
Update #2: US Navy sees better Iranian behaviour in Gulf (AFP)

WNU Editor: I think this is more a reflection on what is happening in Iran .... and not what the U.S. Navy or government is doing.


Anonymous said...

Hard to say. Way back when Reagan was sworn in the mad mullahs ended Carter's humiliation by freeing the diplomat hostages. Was it due to Reagan using back channels and issuing a threat?

Did Trump use back channels and issue threats?

Like Reagan I don't see Trump putting up with that kind of crap.

fred said...

You need to google and discover how the GOP paid Iran money to hold prisoners till election over
that should tell you something about your Reagan

War News Updates Editor said...

The Iranian hostages were released because of the efforts of the Carter administration and their tireless work and negotiations in having these hostages released. After-all, it was the Carter administration that signed the Algiers Accords, and it was this agreement that resulted in the release of the American hostages the next day. Not because of William Casey or someone in the Bush team on a promise that he may have made to the Iranians.

As for President Reagan's role .... if there is one thing that I know about Iran's Islamic leadership .... they are not going to accommodate any American President .... even a President-elect one like Reagan.... and they are certainly not going to pursue a policy because they are "afraid" on what a U.S. President may do.

Bottom line .... the Iran - U.S. hostage crisis was instigated by the Iranians, and to his credit .... resolved by President Carter before he left office.

B.Poster said...

I think it is a similar phenomenon to what led to the sudden about face in the change in North Korean behavior. Essentially "back channel" communications were used to communicate with North Korea, Russia, and China, agreements were reached to enforce things like sanctions on North Korea, and obviously the US will have made certain concessions.

A Similar approach was likely used with regards to Iran. It also so happens that Iran's best friends are Russia and China. It seems to be working.

A bit off topic with such progress being made on the North Korean front that obviously put Putin in a VERY difficult position as it is HIGHLY UNLIKELY that any of this could have happened without substantial assistance from Russia and China. Now we have Russian double agents being killed. The timing here is impeccable. A coincidence? Highly Unlikely.

It seems to me that enemies of Putin may be trying to undermine all of this and possibly orchestrate a coup in Russia. In the meantime, British and now it seems even American officials are failing to ask even the most basic questions a brand new investigator would ask.

Are they simply to naïve to ask basic questions and simply blindly accepting what their handlers feed them? Are they so blinded with hysterical hatred for Russia that they are unable to think clearly? Is this a nefarious plot on the part of British and perhaps other "western" officials to frame Russia. After all they have in many instances gone WAY out of their way to inflame tensions with Russia lending credence to such a hypothesis?

I tend to believe this is a case of simply allowing oneself to become blinded by hatred/ideology that one loses the ability to think clearly. "Stable and focused" people and nations do not allow themselves to fall victim to any of these things.

Unknown said...
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