Wednesday, March 14, 2018

U.S. House Democrats Declare They Have ‘Evidence’ Of Trump-Russia Collusion

Ranking Member of the House Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff (D-Calif.). Photo by Joshua Roberts/Reuters

CNBC/Reuters: Democrats vow to continue Russia probe and issue own report

* Democratic members of the U.S. House of Representatives Intelligence Committee said they will put out their own report that will "set out for the country what evidence we have seen to date."
* They held a news conference a day after Republicans, who control Congress, said the full panel's investigation was over and they had found no evidence of collusion between President Donald Trump's campaign and Moscow's efforts to influence the vote.
* The Democrats also released a 22-page status report on the investigation, listing lines of inquiry they feel should be pursued and more than 30 witnesses that have not been interviewed.

Democratic members of the U.S. House of Representatives Intelligence Committee said on Tuesday they would keep investigating Russia and the 2016 U.S. election, despite a decision by Republicans on the panel to shut down the probe.

"We are going to do our best to continue our work. There are individuals who want to cooperate with our committee and share information, and will continue to do so," said representative Adam Schiff, the committee's top Democrat.

"We will be putting together a report that will set out for the country what evidence we have seen to date," he said.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: According to the AP the Democrats are claiming (again) that they have evidence .... House Democrats cite ‘evidence’ of Trump-Russia collusion (AP). This is a golden opportunity for the Congressional Democrats to discredit their opponents. Instead of talking about having evidence of collusion with Russian, they should present it and their report ASAP.


fred said...

now now, dear the piece you posted
they have witnesses to interview the GOP did not, or ignored. They have more investigation to do...and so: you want them to rush out now and present that which is still ongoing? The GOP has shut out the Dems, and so the Dems are doing this on their own, as they did with the Nunes imply they are full of beans. Either they have and will present what they have; or they will fail to do so, at which time you can fairly jump on them. Meantime, why not jump on GOP for cutting short the investigation since it clearly was not completed nor was it bi-partisan What is good for the goose is good for the gooser

War News Updates Editor said...

I just said that this is a golden opportunity for them, and I am just quoting what the AP is saying .... House Democrats cite ‘evidence’ of Trump-Russia collusion (AP).

Like I said ... let us see this evidence of collusion.

But after a year and a half .... we both know that if they had something, it would have been presented a long time ago.

Anonymous said...

Dems have had 2 years to present smoking guns. They have had at least three investigative sources, two in the Congress and Mueller's team.
Obama was spying on the Trump campaign in 2016 so if Trump's pants were on fire, Obama would have reported it.

Common sense is all you need to see there is nothing there. The fact that the dossier used to kick off the investigations was written by Hillary Clinton or her people is the necessary and sufficient proof that the investigation is a fraud.

Anonymous said...

Since everything leaks these days it is very strange something juice as this has not leaked yet.

B.Poster said...

Editor and Anon,

I couldn't have put this any better myself. I would add though that this whole thing has cause ENORMOUS and possibly IRREPRABLE damage to American diplomacy.

As anon points out given the flimsiness of the evidence presented to actually justify this, this "investigation" never should have been launched in the first place. Normally the police officer presents their evidence to the prosecutor then the prosecutor decides if we need to continue. Is there enough "there" "there?" Generally we do not start with no evidence or very flimsy evidence and decide to go fishing from there looking for the evidence. In other words, you don't arbitrarily decide there is a murder even when their is no body.

The effort to carry out a coup against a duly elected president might well succeed. If so, the consequences for America and Americans will be most dire. Essentially no one will ever trust us again. They may use us and abuse us when they need things but they will not trust us. We will never have real allies.

These are the same people who wrecked a careful diplomatic process strictly for political gain and because they are petty losers. I can only conclude such people are not only irrational and likely suffering from delusions of grandeur but will capable of just about anything.

As the editor likes to say "here is an easy prediction." The evidence the democrats will release will be of such poor quality and full of holes that only the true believers and those who simply don't have the time to analyze things will believe it. That's my
"easy prediction" right now. As the editor says "golden opportunity." Friendly media, distracted populace, and a POTUS busy with important things and not focused on this. Could it get any easier for them? I think not.

Furthermore you've had investigators who have had virtually unlimited resources and access to anything and everything. Time to release your "findings."

fred said...

sorry but: The GOP closed down the investigation and did not allow for the fullness of its mission. That is what the Dems assert. I note that they did the same thing with the very silly Nunes dossier and it got laughed at by a lot of objective folks. The Dems then had to issue their own report.
How odd it is that when Trump and gang being investigated, those on the Right want reports ASAP, but when Putin is accused of this or that, those on the Right say It is too soon to accuse Russia, ie, the murders in England

Anonymous said...

That conclusion was made in like two days but Mueller has not come up with anything for two years ha ha. The reason why so many are sceptical is why should the russians murder someone and leave such an obvious "smoking gun". Why not just shoot him or strangle him to death, bury him in the english country side where no one would ever find him.

Blackdog said...

To all those who don’t remember or too young to remember. It took over two years to investigate Nixon.

Bookyards Editor said...

True Blackdog. It took two years .... because they had a lot of evidence on Day One. Here .... I just do not see it.

Anonymous said...

Black dog, Watergate was a covert GOP OPERATION. Trumps investigation is a Hillary Clinton-Obama covert operation. Nixon was better at it than Obama-Clinton.

Unknown said...
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