Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Who Will President Trump Fire Next?

U.S. President Donald Trump speaks during an interview with Reuters at the White House in Washington, U.S., January 17, 2018. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque

Vanity Fair: “Trump Wants Them Out of There”: After Swinging the Axe at Tillerson, Trump Mulls What to Do with McMaster, Sessions, Jared, and Ivanka

With tariffs done, Trump’s sights are now on the Iran deal—and, possibly, the Russia investigation. “The president is finally realizing he is the president,” a former White House official told me. “He’s just making these decisions on his own.”

From the moment Donald Trump appointed Chief of Staff John Kelly last summer, he vented to friends and advisers that Kelly was too overbearing, preventing him from acting on his instincts and impulses, the things that got him elected president. To truly be himself, Trump turned to Twitter and Fox & Friends. But over the past week, even though Kelly is still nominally on the scene, his presidency has entered a new phase—one in which Trump feels emboldened to throw off the shackles that have thus far constrained him.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: This is a good post from Vanity Fair. President Trump is definitely on a roll, and when the cameras are on him one can tell that he is now truly enjoying his role in the office. As to personnel changes .... the Tillerson firing was a red flag for everyone. President Trump is not that insecure and overwhelmed person when he won the election .... he has found his comfort zone and he now wants people who think like him to be in positions of power. I originally expected these changes to occur in the half-way mark of his Presidency .... no more now .... I expect more changes in the coming weeks/months.

Update: Yup .... Tillerson fall shows Trump learning game of politics (Peter Apps, Reuters).


Anonymous said...

I hope he kicks out his daugther Ivanka and her husband Jared Kusiner and takes in his son as adviser instead. I vakna and Jared are both democrats and lousy advisors.

Anonymous said...

I dont know , it could be a good move but it would be bad if all is left are "yes" men who are not prepared to oppose trump when need , but there is still mad dog .