Friday, April 6, 2018

A Closer Look On How Russian Military Contractors Are Deployed To Syria, And The Role That They Play There

NIGHT FLIGHTS: A Cham Wings aircraft on the runway at the Rostov airport. The Syrian airline was hit with U.S. sanctions in 2016. REUTERS/Stringer

Reuters: How a secret Russian airlift helps Syria's Assad

Private Russian military contractors are being sent on clandestine flights to Syria, plane-tracking data shows. And a trail of documents reveals how aircraft from the West end up in the hands of those on U.S. blacklists.

MOSCOW/KIEV – In a corner of the departures area at Rostov airport in southern Russia, a group of about 130 men, many of them carrying overstuffed military-style rucksacks, lined up at four check-in desks beneath screens that showed no flight number or destination.

When a Reuters reporter asked the men about their destination, one said: "We signed a piece of paper – we're not allowed to say anything. Any minute the boss will come and we'll get into trouble.

“You too," he warned.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Apparently there are about 2,000 to 3,000 Russian military contractors at any time in Syria, and their roles is to act as shock troops in taking key positions that the Syrian army then takes the credit for. For those who are interested in the Syrian war, this Reuters post is a must read. This Reuters post also confirms what I have been reading on Russian websites and social media for the past few months.


fred said...

Russia allied itself with Assad, Mr Poison gas man (they share this in common), and Iran, the biggest threat to the entire reason...and now a Russian bot will pop up to tell us how Putin bring peace and tranquility to the region

fred said...

Ah just as I had predicted

Anonymous said...

ball in your corner, troll

Antitroll said...

Fred sounds like another retarded Yankee who's only regurgitating what cnn has been saying.
I assume also a Israeli supporter aswell 😂

Unknown said...

Fredi is a liberal democrat and I mean liberal and not a blue dog Democrat.

There is a fair amount of trolling by different people. It has been show that at least one group of Leftists a dozen or so in number used software to make it look like they were over a 1,000 in number on twitter.

If the Democrats and Republicans on both sides of the aisle of exercised over election hacking and Facebook and stay exercised, then sooner or later they are going to investigate the blogosphere and comments.

So if some American is getting paid to post comments or some foreigner is raising cain, they might take exception to it.

The Anointed one, "The One", already said he favoured RealID. That would cut both ways, but it would leave many out in the cold.

Unknown said...


The term yankee is broad enough to be meaningless especially in the context you use it.

Fred does have Left of center credentials, but they are real and they are much better than yours. First off, you do not have credentials. Second off, you are cousins with Bill Ayers.