Sunday, April 8, 2018

A German Analysis On The Strengths And Weaknesses Of Russia's Military

A Russian tank in Aleppo, Syria

DW: The strengths and weaknesses of Russia's military

Russian armed forces provide Moscow with clear military superiority in the post-Soviet region, despite Russia's troops not being able to match the whole of NATO. The Kremlin is busy modernizing its army, experts told DW.

The US, Russia, and China are considered the world's strongest nations when it comes to military power, with the US the undisputed number one. Even so, Russia's still has plenty of arrows in its quiver, most notably the massive nuclear arsenal of some 1,550 deployed nuclear warheads.

Leaving the nuclear weapons aside, however, the US has an overwhelming advantage in conventional forces, including a much stronger navy and air force, Russian military analyst Aleksandr Golts told DW.

China, according to Golts, would also have the advantage of numbers in any conventional showdown with Russia. In other areas, however, things are not as clear-cut.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Bottom line .... a serious nuclear arsenal, some conventional advantages, but lacking in other areas. 


B.Poster said...

The US as the undisputed number one? The US may very well be number one in terms of milutary power, howver, there is significant doubt. If any politician or military commander who has power over US forces or foreign policy blythly believes such nonsense, we are in really, really big trouble.

While there may be a time and a place where it's needed, war with Russia, China, or both of them would be extremely dangerous. Those in leadership need to think through these things very carefully.

Anonymous said...

Da, comrade