Monday, April 23, 2018

A U.S. -China War Over Taiwan Would Not Be Like Syria


James Holmes, National Interest: Why a U.S-China War over Taiwan Won't Be Anything Like the Syria Strikes

Great powers have a habit of intervening to shield weak allies from rival great powers and advance their own purposes. Last week it was Russia vowing to shoot down American missiles bound for Syrian chemical-weapon sites. Judging from recent Chinese words and deeds, next week could see the U.S. Navy attempting to repulse a Chinese assault on nearby Taiwan.

The Chinese Communist Party depicts the island as a wayward province and has pledged to restore mainland sovereignty there—by force if necessary. As China amasses military power, improving its chances of imposing a solution at manageable cost, it may define necessary more expansively. Power begets ambition.

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WNU Editor:  Yup .... a U.S. -China war over Taiwan would not be like Syria.

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