Sunday, April 8, 2018

Reports: Air Strikes On A Syrian Airfield

23:29 EST: The latest from AP .... The Latest: Syrian news agency reports missile attack (AP).

23:24 EST: The Syrians are blaming the U.S. .... Syria says suspected U.S. missiles fired at air base; Washington denies strike (Reuters).

23:09 EST: Russian air defense in Syria are on alert. (link here)

Update #3: Pentagon is denying reports that they are involved in this airstrike.

Pentagon on airstrikes: “At this time, the Department of Defense is not conducting air strikes in Syria. However, we continue to closely watch the situation and support the ongoing diplomatic efforts to hold those who use chemical weapons, in Syria and otherwise, accountable.”

Update #2: Aircraft were seen flying over Lebanon and entering Syrian air space. (link here).

Update: AP is reporting missiles being shot down (link here).

WNU Editor: U.S. air strikes? This story will be updated as more information becomes available.


fazman said...

Seems like to small an attack to be u.s, perhaps Israeli?

Antitroll said...

Israeli but Israel won't confirm as usual

fazman said...

I also considered France but they would have owned up.
Yeah Israel for sure, the lack of tomahawk virtually rules out the u.s.