Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Can Russia's Anti-Missile Defense System Shoot Down U.S. Cruise Missiles Over Syria?

A Russian S-400 Triumf anti-aircraft system, nicknamed "Growler" by NATO, fires a missile in this photo shared April 8, 2018 by the Russian Ministry of Defense in commemoration of Air Defense Forces Day. Russian Ministry of Defense

Newsweek: Can Russia Defeat U.S. Missiles In Syria? Yes, But It Will Not Be Easy

Russia vowed Wednesday to shoot down any missiles President Donald Trump may launch against Syria. A defense expert said that Moscow was, in fact, able to block a U.S. attack—but it could prove difficult.

Moscow's military prowess may soon to be put to the test as Trump promised to respond "forcefully" to allegations that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, a Russian ally, used chemical weapons in an attack on a rebel-held Damascus suburb of Douma over the weekend.

Douglas Barrie, a senior fellow for military aerospace analyst at the U.K.-based International Institute for Strategic Studies, told Newsweek that "Russia’s Aerospace Forces and, before that, the Soviet Air Force, have long practiced attempting to locate and shoot down cruise missiles, but it is not an easy task."

Read more ....

Update: Missiles ‘will be coming,’ says Trump, but can Russia shoot them down? (Asia Times)

WNU Editor: These Russian systems will probably be very effective against U.S. warplanes .... but cruise missiles .... I am not sure. Either way .... I think we are going to find out in the next few days.


someone said...

I watched the UN Security Council meeting yesterday regarding the resolutions on the Syria problem.You could visibly see how tense the diplomats were.Especially the ones from countries outside the East-West divide.It seems they don't like the possibility even remote that the major powers might end up in a war.The implications of this haven't been analysed seriously in decades.I also watched the UN representative for Syria De Mistura talk in the previous meeting.While he didn't spell it out directly its clear he fears that tensions between the major powers can plausibly come to a head.In the meantime most people continue with their daily lives like normal.

Anonymous said...

I just remember 2013 Obama was going to bomb and everyone...including trump said this con man wants to get us into a war?

Anonymous said...

It does seem Putin and Trump are now left with fewer and fewer options. Big winner in all of this is China. She will come out of this the voice of reason and I expect Germany will listen more agreeably than in the past. I can only hope that Putin sees the need to be rid of Assad and puts a bullet in his skull. That's about the only event I can see that stops this rush to war.

fazman said...

And put who in Assads place?

fazman said...

Either S400 sales will go through the roof or China and Iran will double tap themselves.

fazman said...

Russia appears to be readying for a naval battle with the US near Syria — but it could be a bluff

B.Poster said...

While we can't "know" what will happen in advance, I think if an attack does happen the myth of America as some sort of "superpower" will be shattered once and for all to the point that it will be impossible for anyone except for the most ideologically blind to cling to such nonsense. Given that US (un)intelligence can't even figure out for certain who is behind the attack, what do we make of DJT's ridiculous rhetoric on this? With enemies closing in is he trying to look the tough by pulling us deeper into war? Is he be being blackmailed into taking a stance that instinctively he knows is not a good one? Is he really as crazy as his enemies say he is? Of course these enemies have been itching for getting us deeper into Syria. Maybe its in the water in DC. It makes men and women who reside there crazy beyond measure.

There may be another possibility. Rhetoric has gotten heated. Both sides especially the Americans need to find a way to cool this down. Perhaps this has already been settled and the parties are talking tough out of a need to save face while each side gets something of value. I hope this is the case.

If POTUS has been given faulty intelligence and is going into thinking he has a "hand" that is better than the one he actually has, we (Americans) may all be in serious trouble.

Anonymous said...

Товарищ! продолжайте хорошую работу и зарабатывайте рубли и водки, обещанные вам вашими лучшими

kidd said...


fazman said...

Bob Huntley said...

2070 AD

Son: "Dad why did the people way back decide to try and destroy the world?"

Father: "They did it for no good reason son. Stupid rhetoric escalated over petty stuff and got out of hand and then the missiles were fired. Now finish eating your thistles and we'll go looking for some clean water."