Friday, April 6, 2018

Chinese Foreign Minister: Relations With Russia At 'Best Level In History'

Russian President Vladimir Putin with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi

CNN: China says relations with Russia at 'best level in history'

(CNN)China and Russia are publicly heralding a new age of diplomacy between the two countries, at a time when both are being targeted by the United States with punitive measures.

During a visit to Moscow on Thursday, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi was quoted as saying relations between two countries were at "the best level in history."

It comes as the United States has announced further sweeping trade actions targeted at China, revealing another $100 billion in possible tariffs on Thursday night.

Meanwhile Russia faces an ongoing, international diplomatic fallout following the poisoning of former Russian double agent in the United Kingdom, for which London blames the Kremlin.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Russia is being alienated by the West, and China has tense relations with almost all of its neighbors because of its border claims. So they have a lot in common. In the meantime the war of words between China and the U.S. over trade intensifies .... China will not hesitate with 'major response' to new tariffs: Ministry of Commerce (CNBC).


Anonymous said...

Russia and China share a similar style of leadership, the strong man so no surprise they flock together. Despite China dwarfing Russia in terms of wealth and ambitions, when was Russia close to the US? Never.

China is determined to do a wholesale replacement of the US led post WWII economic order so such institutions as IMF, WTO, World Bank may not survive. I can't see NATO surviving either in the face of German disinterest. This is a shared interest of Russia as well.

As these Chinese driven changes percolate around the world, I see the Western members of the EU as wild cards in the alignment. I see them adopting a neutral stance with both blocs wooing the EU. Notice today China encouraging the EU to join China and Russia in opposing Trump?

Three axis of power are shaping up with the USA and a few of its existing allies such as Japan, Canada, Australia, Israel; China, Russia, DPRK, Iran, Turkey; German led EU.

fred said...

No. I do not see China encouraging EU to join Russia. Evidence please?

Anonymous said...

Read the news.

"China and the EU ... should take a clear stance against protectionism, jointly preserve the rules-based multilateral trade order, and keep the global economy on a sound and sustainable track," Zhang Ming, the head of the Chinese mission to the EU, said in a statement sent to AFP.

"This is a joint responsibility of China and the EU. We must act together to make that happen," Zhang said.

In his statement, Zhang firmly defended multilateralism and said "the United States turns its back on these globally recognized rules and its own commitment."

Read Newsmax Article: China Urges EU to 'Act Together' Against US Protectionism |
Urgent: Do you approve of Pres. Trump’s job performance? Vote Here!

fred said...

china urges is not the same thing...and vote here at that site always means vote yes because we are very right wing...