Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Former FBI Director Comey Calls President Trump A 'Mob Boss'

ABC: Comey compares Trump to mob boss

A source present at the taping says James Comey's interview with ABC's George Stephanopoulos, airing Sunday at 10 p.m. as a "20/20" special, is "going to shock the president and his team."

The source said Comey's comments, in his first interview since being fired by President Trump last May, will generate headlines and "certainly add more meat to the charges swirling around Trump."

Read more ....

WNU Editor: This man is bitter. I understand that he wants to create a stir so that his publisher can sell his book .... but mob boss? Aside from those who have a lot of anger and hatred towards the President since the election (and who will applaud this characterization) .... I think for the general public and for those who support what President Trump is trying to do will have a different opinion, and in the long run it is not going to serve James Comey well.

Update: If this was true it would have been leaked to the press a long time ago .... Robert Mueller’s Nuclear Option: If Trump fires him, the special counsel should reveal everything he's discovered in the Russia investigation (Matt Ford, New Republic).


Anonymous said...

LOL. Yes, anger and hatred. Towards Pres. Trump.

Of course there was so little irrational, foaming at the mouth hatred towards both Clinton's during the last quarter century. Or hatred and silly lies about our recent black president either. Many of those irrational lies coming from our current oatmeal-brained Pres.

But, sadly yes, Pres. Trump is the real victim in all of this. Pray for our
draft evading, TV addled, Alzheimeric, sludge-brained Pres. in his time of turmoil.

Anonymous said...

You're just proving his point and you don't even notice it

fred said...

Thank the good lord that Trump never ever stoops to calling any important figure bad names and rises above issues to be gentlemanly and correct

jimbrown said...

Did he get his book cleared for classified info?