Thursday, April 26, 2018

Have Double Standards Become The Rule When It Comes To American Justice?

Former FBI Director James Comey testifies before the Senate Intelligence Committee, June 8, 2017. (Jonathan Ernst/Reuters)

Victor Davis Hanson, NRO: The Double Standards of the Mueller Investigation

The more Mueller searches for hypothetical lawbreaking, the more he ignores the actual lawbreakers.

The country is about to witness an investigatory train wreck.

In one direction, Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation train is looking for any conceivable thing that President Donald Trump’s campaign team might have done wrong in 2016.

The oncoming train is slower but also larger. It involves congressional investigations, Department of Justice referrals, and inspector general’s reports — mostly focused on improper or illegal FBI and DOJ behavior during the 2016 election.

Why are the two now about to collide?

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Victor Davis Hanson talks about a reckoning happening one day .... but I disagree. There is going to be no investigation and court proceedings against Comey, McCabe, Brennan, Clapper, Hillary Clinton, etc. .... none .... even though there is a mountain of evidence that says it should be otherwise. And how do I know ths? The answer comes from from Attorney General Sessions himself  when he explained (today) on why he is not going to appoint a Special Counsel to investigate the other side .... U.S. Attorney General Sessions says Mueller probe has taken on 'life of its own' (Reuters).


jimbrown said...

Comey is opting for the insanity defence.

Anonymous said...

For once I disagree with War News Editor, who I follow and respect highly.

Nothing much will come of Mueller's work, at least nothing having to do with the election or corruption in DOJ/DOS/FBI.

But from what I read, the grand jury process is underway. They sit apart from direct political influence.

Also, there are at least 2 more rounds of reports from the IG, the first very soon. One on the handling of the Clinton emails, which may lead to more referrals, and the other a bit later on the FISA abuse/process.

War News Updates Editor said...

I hope you are right Anon.

Unknown said...

Sessions has been a stand up guy.

He prosecuted clan members.

He was better thought of than Grahmnesty or McShame

Maybe he is keeping his cards close to the vest.

Or maybe he is just old or has been in Washington too long/

Anonymous said...

That mountain is a molehill. Trump is in trouble because he lives entire life of Privilege as if there were no consequences. But the reality is that people just weren't paying attention to something insignificant rich guy, that had nothing to do with their lives. Now he put himself in the public eye, continued to live his consequence free life in the bounds of his own reality. But that and his past have now caught up to him. He, much like the JV team he has surrounded himself with, will come out of this with tarnished reputation and maybe a prison sentence. The rest is just right wing soft porn.

Unknown said...


I will take Trump over Bill Clinton any day of the week. Any day.

Trump rapes a woman and tells her to put ice on it.
Trump pays a woman, a willing women. Do I like that? No. But it is as old as time. Abraham was embarrassed when he put his staff up on collateral. The percentage of men that have done what Trump has done is high.

The percentage of men who have done what Bill Clinton have done is thankfully smaller.

Bill Clinton pals around with Jeffrey Epstein a convicted pedophile. The only reason Bill Clinton is not in jail for pedophilia is because the establishment does not want to embarrassment and that might be two establishment, the British and the American.

Anon go find a coke bottle and keep yourself occcupied.