Wednesday, April 18, 2018

How The U.S. Is Contering Russian Disinformation

Irina Van Dusen is chief of the Russian Service of the Voice of America, which runs the Russian-language television news program “Current Time America.” NBC News

NBC: One tiny corner of the U.S. government pushes back against Russian disinformation

Polygraph is part of a small U.S. government effort to counter the Russian propaganda machine.

WASHINGTON — When reports began to emerge last month that Russian mercenaries had attacked a U.S. base in Syria, Russia issued a flat denial, and the U.S. was silent.

Then, leaked recordings surfaced on the internet.

"We've had our asses f--- kicked. So one squadron f--- lost 200 people …the Yankees knew for sure that the Russians were coming."

The tapes seemed to show Russian guns-for-hire acknowledging a crushing defeat in the Feb. 8 incident. It was an embarrassment for the Kremlin, which was forced to admit that Russian citizens had been killed by the U.S. military — something an American general later confirmed to NBC News.

With their election interference and ongoing manipulation of social media platforms like Twitter, the Russians have been regularly outfoxing America in the information realm, U.S. intelligence officials acknowledge. Who turned the tables this time?

Read more ....

 WNU editor: My pet peeve with the U.S. main stream media is that they avoid news stories that do not fit their own narrative. My pet peeve with Russian media is that they dump disinformation on stories that do not fit their own media. Fortunately .... there is more than enough media out there to get the story and/or alternate points of view. Unfortunately .... most of us do not have the time to locate those sources.


fred said...

then do we simply give up on any and all news?

War News Updates Editor said...

I am certainly not saying that. The internet has given the public a massive trove of news and information that anyone can retrieve. My advice has always been consistent .... take the sources that one feels comfortable with, and do not shy about reading alternative points of views.

fred said...

all is fake but the stuff I read. Or...if stuff is fake that is ok if it conforms to my view of things...alas, most right of center now label all of MSM as biased etc and there are so many sources out there that constitute MSM that calling the entire group this amounts to grand nuttiness...most places on net either are part of regular journalistic sources or take from them as though independent.

War News Updates Editor said...


Actually a lot of news for the West comes from only a few sources.

AP, Reuters, AFR/France 24, BBC, and UPI.

In the U.S. the New York Times and the alphabet networks add to the news cycle.

kidd said...

We see nothing hear nothing say nothing. Ok

kidd said...

It takes a truly a holy man to control the promise land

kidd said...

Land is cursed from outsiders

kidd said...

Truth will gard it