Monday, April 9, 2018

Iranian President Rouhani Warns President Trump That He Would Regret Dropping Nuclear Deal

Daily Mail: Iranian president says that if President Trump pulls out of the nuclear deal the US will 'surely regret it' and the response will come within a week

* Iranian President Hassan Rouhani threatened to bolster his nuclear programme
* He vowed a 'stronger than you think' response if U.S. reinstated sanctions
* President Trump has until May 12 to waive sanctions or they will kick in again
* He wants Europe to 'fix the terrible flaws' in the deal before he will back it
* Iranian leader's threats came on same day as airstrike in Syria killed his troops

Donald Trump will regret pulling out of the nuclear deal with Iran 'within a week', the country's president warned.

President Hassan Rouhani vowed to bolster Iran's nuclear program if U.S. sanctions are reinstated on May 12, and make it more advanced than before the 2015 deal.

Sanctions will resume on that date unless President Trump waives them again, and he is using the deadline as leverage to change the deal.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Only a few days?!?!?!? .... Iran Threatens to Restart Nuke Enrichment Program in Matter of Days (Washington Free Beacon)

More News On Iranian President Rouhani Warning President Trump That He Would Regret Dropping Nuclear Deal

Iran tells Trump he would regret dropping nuclear deal -- Reuters
Iran: U.S. would "regret" violating nuke deal in "less than a week" -- CBS/AP
Iranian president lashes out at US as Iran marks Nuclear Day -- Washington Post
Iran warns US of response ‘stronger than they imagine’ if Trump scraps nuclear deal -- RT
Iran’s nuclear industry moving at a faster pace -- Mehr News Agency (Iran)


jimbrown said...

Guess that was baked into the announcement.

Is it me or does it seem like we're spiraling towards a big war?

War News Updates Editor said...

I do not see us spiraling towards a big war. But the many social/political/and economic changes that have occurred in the past few years is helping to shape a narrative that we are living in very dangerous times.

Anonymous said...

Given that Iran and North Korea collaborated on their nuclear weapons programs we know Iran is at a minimum as capable with nuclear weapons as North Korea.

I assume Iran can detonate a nuclear weapon similar to North Korea's any time they want. When the deal expires, I assume Iran unveils to the world a very capable nuclear weapons force, if not before it expires. After all it got the cash from Obama to develop nukes and expertise from North Korea.

JAC said...

I wish Iran can do "big thing" in days! This will show us that they never respect their signature and the Obama administration was stupidly want an agreement which would be respected by America only.

Anonymous said...

JAC , that will never happen , Iran like russia and china are adopting watch and wait strategy . Knowing that the US is in turmoil (with the trump situation ) . If there were a war coming , it will start by US .