Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Is The U.S. Going To War Over Syria?

Uri Friedman, The Atlantic: What Is America Going to Do About Syria Now?

After the latest suspected chemical attack, the United States has four options.

Donald Trump says there will be a “big price to pay” for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s suspected use of chemical weapons in the rebel-controlled town of Douma outside Damascus. But what exactly could that mean? Beyond responding to this particular attack, what can the United States really do about Assad’s depravity and flouting of international norms at this point in the seven-year conflict? The paths forward can be sorted into at least four broad categories.

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WNU Editor:  I prefer option #4 .... a U.S. withdrawal from Syria, but conditional on the Kurds having a deal with the Assad regime that would grant them some form of autonomy and protection for Turkey.

WNU Editor: Today was one of those rare days in Washington where almost everyone was on the same page .... the U.S. should attack the Assad regime in Syria. Politicians from both political parties, the media, pundits .... everyone wants the U.S. to launch military strikes against the Syrian regime to send a message that the U.S. will not tolerate chemical attacks on civilians.


Anonymous said...

You think a country with a constitutional history of innocent until proven guilty its ironic the US would risk war with a peer military without a thorough investigation? Those who rush the American people into a war should be held legally accountable for treason if Assad ends up not being responsible as has happened in the past.

Anonymous said...

Don't want to sound like a conspiracy nut, but isn't weird that this escalation that is occurring right after the expulsion of diplomats(skripal incident). Is like they needed a reason to get their people out.

Anonymous said...

Unless nato is definately sure Russia is weak and ready for WW3 thats the only explanation of this going trend for sure

jimbrown said...

Im not convinxed Assad did it.He has no good reason to use wmd again
There are many players who would gladly release gas on civilians with cameras in the ready position.
Also you look awful if exposed to tear gas but it s not deadly.
Then again Putin tested our resolvevwith 200 Russian mercenaries so he can act in unexpected ways.

fazman said...

Assad proven as not being responsible?, when was that?
He may well not be but ....

Stephen Davenport said...

If it is a proven chemical attack, then they have no choice but attack Syrian positions. Redline has been drawn and they have been warned. If Trump backs down on this, then he loses and will do more harm than good. Assad and Putin should have known better. IMO