Wednesday, April 4, 2018

President Trump Agrees To Keep U.S. Troops In Syria For The Short Term, But Wants An Exit Soon

Reuters: Trump agrees to keep U.S. troops in Syria a 'little longer,' but wants out

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump agreed in a National Security Council meeting this week to keep U.S. troops in Syria a little longer to defeat Islamic State but wants them out relatively soon, a senior administration official said on Wednesday.

Trump did not approve a specific withdrawal timetable at Tuesday’s meeting, the official said. He wants to ensure Islamic State militants are defeated but wants other countries in the region and the United Nations to step up and help provide stability in Syria, the official said.

“We’re not going to immediately withdraw but neither is the president willing to back a long-term commitment,” the official said.

Trump had signaled his desire to get U.S. forces out of Syria in a speech last Thursday in Ohio, and officials said he had privately been pressing for an early withdrawal in talks with his national security aides.

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More News On President Trump Agreeing To Keep U.S. Troops In Syria For The Short Term

The Latest: US Says Its Military Mission in Syria Nears End -- AP
Trump will keep troops in Syria for short-term, but wants exit soon -- CNN
Syria war: Trump 'persuaded not to pull out immediately' -- BBC
White House Signals US Will Stay in Syria After Trump Calls for Quick Exit -- Bloomberg
President Trump agrees to keep troops in Syria for now: Reports -- CNBC
U.S. says military mission in Syria coming to a ‘rapid end,’ but offers no timetable -- PBS
In shift, White House says U.S. mission in Syria 'coming to a rapid end' -- Politico
Trump instructs military to begin planning for withdrawal from Syria -- Washington Post


fred said...

Let us be clear here and then await russian troll to try to undermine things.
1. Russia and Iran and Turkey support Assad
2. the US supported the Kurds and the Rebels and were anti-Assad, full out
3. Israel and Saudi Arabia support the American position in Syria
4. we have been in Afghanistan a lot longer than in Syria
5. Trump announces that we will leave Syria since we have finished off ISIS
6. Our military Pentagon leaders say it would be a big mistake to leave Syria now
7. Trump to allow pal Putin to win out and a betrayal of our allies
8. the public announcement from the Pentagon forced Trump to moderate his position.
9. Now he says we will stay longer, for a time.
10. At the very least this is a confusion for the public at home and for the military and for our allies
11.this no way to run foreign policy or to confront our enemies: Russia, Iran and Assad

B.Poster said...


Time permitting I will respond to each talking point in detail. Due to my work and family situation time may not be permitting for the foreseeable future. A for the "Russian troll," I am not Russian we simply have differing views on the best way forward for our country to conduct foreign affairs. While I have been tempted to at times, I have not questioned your sincerity or patriotism.

I did notice the blurb that Assad was not invited to discuss Syria. While we cannot "know" why without full information which we do not have, I suspect this may be part of Trump diplomacy at work. Time permitting I will address each talking point.

I do think we may have a point of agreement on the Kurds. Bottom line: we made unrealistic promises to them and they believed them at face value. Whose dumber? The one who makes the unrealistic promise or the one who believes it and should have known better? I would say it is the one who believes the unrealistic promise. I also think the Kurds have been beneficiaries of very slick marketing campaigns perhaps designed to manipulate Americans and their leaders.

At present, I simply do not have time to fully address this. Hopefully I will soon. In the meantime carry on!!:-)

B.Poster said...

I think we will agree that announcing a withdrawal then announcing we will stay for a time could be construed as confusion for the military and for "allies." With that said, I believe Trump's initial position on redeployment was/is the correct one. Unfortunately he does seem to have had trouble at times standing up to the military leadership.

Jay Farquharson said...

LMFAO, gotta keep the rubes all MAGA'd up,

fred said...

Trump did not convince our enemies not to invite Assad to a gathering of his supporters, ie, Iran, Turkey, and Russia. Why would they listen to Trump when in theory we oppose Assad? that is a big stretch that even you will have to admit is off the wall

Anonymous said...

How long do Russian operatives post here? Please: why post only on articles involving Russian interests at this there no subtlety?

fazman said...

Syria is a sovereign state ,Assad aside it is his country.
Putin was invited into HIS country by Assad so Putin's presence is perhaps the only legitimate and legal one.