Friday, April 6, 2018

President Trump Threatens Tariffs On $100 Billion More China Goods

Business Insider: Trump raises the specter of trade war with China, floats the possibility of $100 billion in additional tariffs

* President Donald Trump may be looking for ways to ratchet up a pending trade war with China.
* The White House said in a statement on Thursday that Trump looking to add an additional $100 billion in tariffs targeting Chinese goods.
* That development follows Trump's initial pitch for $50 billion in tariffs, raising the potential total to $150 billion.

President Donald Trump may be looking for ways to ratchet up a pending trade war with China.

The White House said in a statement on Thursday that Trump looking to add an additional $100 billion in tariffs targeting Chinese goods. That development follows Trump's earlier pitch for $50 billion in tariffs on Chinese products. The White House's new threat raises the potential total to $150 billion.

Read more ....

More News On The Growing Trade War Between China And The U.S.

Trump threatens further $100bn in tariffs against China -- BBC
US imposes sanctions on Putin's oligarch allies -- AFP
Trump proposes $100 billion in new tariffs on Chinese goods -- AP
Trump threatens tariffs on $100 billion more China goods; Beijing ready to strike back -- Reuters
Donald Trump vows to slap another $100 billion in tariffs on Chinese imports -- DW
Trump says ‘pain’ from China tariffs will make US ‘much stronger’ -- The Hill
Trump defends tariffs amid jittery markets -- CNN
US-China trade war fears escalate as threats ramp up -- AFP
Donald Trump reignites US-China trade tensions after market jitters eased -- ABC News Online
China vows to ‘counterattack’ US as trade spat worsens -- AP
China questions legality of US tariffs at WTO -- Al Jazeera
China ready to pay 'any cost' in trade war: Ministry of Commerce -- AFP


Hans Persson said...

Ok, ABC hates Trump.. We get it.

Unknown said...

U.S. representatives and Senators on both sides of the aisle have criticized China's trade policy and it currency manipulation going back to the 1st days of the Bush presidency.

So if the Congress critters do not stand with Trump on this, they need to shut up & sit down or go home.

They had 16 or more years to solve this problem before Trump came along and at most they spun on their thumb.

Unknown said...