Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Reports From The U.K. Indicate That Military Strikes Against Syria Could Begin As Early As Thursday

Zero Hedge: UK Moves Submarines Next To Syria, Strikes May Begin As Soon As Thursday

Shortly after Theresa May declared that she could act in Syria without approval from Parliament, the Telegraph is reporting that the prime minister has ordered UK submarines to travel within striking range of Syria, and adds that strikes could begin as early as Thursday, which is when May will call an emergency cabinet meeting over Syria.

With the US's Truman carrier still a month away, the "coalition" will rely on UK and French ships. US air support will likely also be involved, suggesting that any attack on Syria may be based on a joint UK-French naval operation, with US air support.

Read more ....

WNU Editor:We will be finding out in the next 24 hours.


Anonymous said...

With the 48 hour advance warning, this attack could be all show since anything of value is on the move or in Iran or Turkey, on Russian aircraft or ships. It’s long gone.

B.Poster said...


I think you may be right. If a major attack were imminent, Russian Intelligence assets would have aleady informed them of who, what, where and when. In such a case, it's highly likely they and their allies would attack preemptively eliminating the threat of attack before it happened. Not only this but they would not limit their attack to American assets in Syria.

American and "western" rhetoric became overheated to quickly. Now its time to step back from the abyss. I think a deal has already been made. Part of the deal may be allowing us to put on a little "light show."