Friday, April 6, 2018

Russia Denies Hacking The German Bundestag. Saying The Last Time They Broke Into The Bundestag Was In 1945, And It Was Called The Reichstag

Haaretz: Denying Hacking Germany, Russia Says It Only Broke Into Bundestag in 1945

Kremlin says it's not behind the hack on the German Bundestag, saying last time they were there 'it was called the Reichstag'

Russia reiterated its rejection of allegations that it hacked into German government computers, with a jibe from the Foreign Ministry on Thursday about World War II.

"We broke into the Bundestag only once, in 1945, while liberating Berlin from the Nazi scourge. At that time, it was called the Reichstag," Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told reporters.

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WNU Editor: You have to be Russian to understand the joke.


Anonymous said...

What the West needs to understand is that Putin doesn't limit war to military confrontation. To Putin, Russia is under military threat by NATO expansion, but distinctively, Russia is at war with the West in the following categories:
- currencies (dollar imperialism)
- trade goods and markets (oil,gas)
- culture (western influence like free speech)
- politically (democracy vs whatever you want to call today's Russia)
- cyber
- information and propaganda
- foreign territories/proxy war engagements

The west doesn't fully realise or have a response to the new -implemented- warfare Russia is conducting. It's no longer theory but they are actually implementing it - and deny, deny, deny.

Putin's endgoal might be more consequential than the west dares to imagine.

fred said...

sorry, Mr Bot, but Putin in recent actions has solidified the West against the aggressions and ambitions of Czar Putinesca

fred said...

Russian bots, please note--Putin denies blah blah but now THERE IS THIS DEVELOPING