Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Russian Ambassador to Lebanon: Any U.S. Missiles Fired At Syria Will Be Shot Down

RT: Any US missiles fired at Syria will be shot down, launch sites targeted – Russian envoy to Lebanon

The Russian military reserves the right to shoot down missiles and destroy launch sites in the event of US aggression against Syria, Moscow's envoy to Lebanon Alexander Zasypkin has warned.

Zasypkin stressed that “the Russian forces will confront any US aggression on Syria, by intercepting the missiles and striking their launch pads,” al-Manar TV website reported, citing the envoy.

Speaking to the channel, the ambassador also said that the allegations of a chemical attack were being used to justify “offensive acts” in Syria, while “the US and Western escalation against Syria will lead to a major crisis.”

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More News On Russia's Response To Reports That The U.S. Is about To Launch Missile Strikes Against Syria

Russia to Respond Instantly, If Its Troops in Syria Hit by US Strike - Official -- Sputnik
Syria 'chemical attack': Russia warns US against military action -- BBC
Russia vows to shoot down US rockets with its lethal anti-aircraft missiles: Deadly S-400 'ring of steel' protects Assad as Moscow accuses Trump of trying to cover up 'faked' gas attack -- Daily Mail
Russian envoy to Lebanon: Any U.S. missiles fired at Syria will be shot down -- Reuters
Russia Will Bomb U.S. Missile Launch Sites If Trump Attacks Syria, Ambassador Warns -- Newsweek
Russia threatens to shoot down any US missiles fired at Syria -- Al Jazeera
Moscow to Trump: Are ‘smart’ missiles an attempt to destroy alleged chem attack evidence in Syria? -- RT


manstien said...

Western Powers have the ability to prove to the world whether or not a chemical attack took place when where and by who. probably with video footage. Have the lessons of wmds in Iraq been forgotten already? Shame on all the citizens of the West if an attack takes place without proof to the people. Seem to be no problem during the Cuban Missile Crisis? Show me the money.

fred said...

right: the rebels, surrounded, managed to fly planes above and drop gas on their are either very offbase or, most likely, working the
troll factory...Assad is on record of using gas...who else on record there for using?

Anonymous said...

Who says they dropped the gas from planes? Do you have proof that it wasn't launched from ground based systems? I didn't realize Isis was surrounded and confined to one area...are there not Isis members spread throughout the ME?

Caecus said...

It is also possible that the regime used rocket artillery to deliver the gas, and it is also possible that islamist rebels and the islamic state could have used it too

Antitroll said...

On record? Because cnn said so? As Israel is on record for human rights violations as is Saudi barbaria. But its ok because they are allies right? Shut it jew boy

fazman said...

Wnu, with respect to Fred comments like Jew boy really need to be removed.

Naz said...

It does indicate the calibre of the poster if it is left alone.