Thursday, April 12, 2018

Russian President Putin Called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu To Talk About Syria

© Sputnik/ Aleksey Nikolskyi

Sputnik: Putin Urges Netanyahu to Avoid Actions That Destabilize Syria's Sovereignty

Russian President Vladimir Putin called for refraining from actions destabilizing the situation in Syria during his phone conversation with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the Kremlin press-service reported.

"Upon an initiative of the Israeli side, a telephone conversation took place between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The Syrian issue was discussed, including the recent missile strikes on the T-4 airfield in Homs by the Israeli Air Force. Vladimir Putin stressed the fundamental importance of respecting the sovereignty of Syria and called for refraining from any actions that might further destabilize the situation in the country and pose a threat to its security," the report said.

The day before, Israel's envoy to Russia Gary Koren met with Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov to discuss the attack on the Tiyas air base, located outside of Palmyra in central Syria, attributed to Tel-Aviv.

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WNU Editor: My gut is telling me that Russian President Putin wants to use Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a back-channel to President Trump. It is known that no one in Washington is talking to the Russian diplomats who are stationed there, the U.S. State Department does not have a Secretary of State for Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov to talk to (Mike Pompeo has not been confirmed yet), and relations between Putin and Trump are probably in the toilet right now. So Netanyahu it is (because there is really no one else that Putin can go to in the Middle East that he knows and that the U.S. will listen to). But I do not think this is going to fly. Netanyahu is more concerned about Iran and their presence in Syria, not placating Putin's concerns .... Putin, Netanyahu Warn Each Other About Consequences In Syria (Fast Forward).

More News On Russian President Putin Calling Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu To Talk About Syria

Putin, Netanyahu discuss Syria -- TASS
Putin and Netanyahu speak by phone on Syria -- Reuters
Putin calls on Netanyahu not to take any ‘destabilizing action’ on Syria -- Al Arabiya/AFP
Putin, Netanyahu speak, discuss Syria -- Arutz Sheva

1 comment:

kidd said...

You people are confused