Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Russian President Putin: The World Is Getting More Chaotic

© Alexei Druzhinin / Sputnik

RT: Putin: The world is getting more chaotic, but we hope that common sense will prevail

Russian President Vladimir Putin has expressed hope that “common sense” will eventually prevail in the modern world, which is becoming “more chaotic.” The current international situation is very troubling, he added.

“The state of world affairs invokes nothing but concerns, the situation in the world is becoming more chaotic,” Putin said on Wednesday during a ceremony to welcome new ambassadors to Russia.

“Nevertheless, we still hope that common sense will eventually prevail and international relations will enter a constructive course, the entire world system will become more stable and predictable.”

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WNU Editor: Memo to Russian President Putin. The world has always been chaotic.


Mike Feldhake said...

Yes but Putin is making it worse, not better. If your not part of the solution then don't be part of the problem. He needs to stop being a bad actor on the world stage. All this to unsettle the globe so Russia can take advantage and make gains.

Carl said...

At least during the Cold War there were leaders on both sides who knew where the point of no return was and were able to step back before reaching it. I'm not so sure that this is the case, this time, at least in Washington and London. I have more confidence in the intentions of Putin but his intentions may not matter when there's no sensible people on the other side to serve as interlocutors. The British, in particular, are so obsessed with preventing any sort of modus vivendi between the US and Russia that they're more than willing to take the world to the brink and, I fear, beyond.

Carl said...

Michael Feldhake, you're full of nonsense. It's the US, encouraged by the UK, that has been the bad actor on the world stage over the past 20 years with our policy of perpetual warfare, built entirely on lies. By blaming PUtin, you sound like somebody who still believes that Saddam Hussein had WMD and it's only a matter of time before they'll be found.

fred said...

Welcome to your new tell career

Mike Feldhake said...

Carl, for your information, Saddam had a program to make others think he had WMDs. Also, that was only the icing on the cake; the US went in for many reasons. Terror, risk to global Oil, etc etc. Decisions to go into Iraq were very complicated but I support them even today. Just think we should have spent less on nation building.

kidd said...

It's political and technological foolish hearts wake up before it's too late