Monday, April 9, 2018

Singapore Has A Better Military Than Most Countries In The World

A CH-47 Chinook carries the national flag while accompanied by Apache Longbow attack helicopters during a flyby at the National Day parade in Singapore, August 9, 2009. Reuters

Business Insider: How a tiny city-state became a military powerhouse with the best air force and navy in Southeast Asia

* Singapore is an island city-state with the best air force and navy in Southeast Asia, and one of the most powerful militaries in the world.
* The country's vast wealth enables it to buy and produce the best equipment available
* Singapore has been able to integrate complex weapons systems and training tactics flawlessly, making its military a strong cohesive unit.

When thinking of countries that have the strongest militaries in the world, giants like the US, Russia, China, and the UK come to mind. In Asia — and Southeast Asia in particular — China, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Thailand are usually mentioned.

But the country that boasts the best air force and navy in the region, and a military that is considered one of the most powerful in the world, is a tiny island city-state with a population of only 5 million — Singapore.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: They may be a small nation, but they have a better military than most countries in the world .... including the Canadian military where I now live.


Anonymous said...

Yeah but they have no depth of defense. They are a city state. You can overrun them in 4 hours if they make one mistake/one part of their military defense line fails. And they are not capable of defending the actual city. Too dependent on shipments. Plus their huge concentration of wealth (typical for a city state) means that even the slightest blunder/explosion could take out several percent of their gdp easily. And they have a very high number of terror targets...

Anonimed Profile said...

Even if it sounds rough, CHINA remains the strongest Army in the world until 2034.

Anonymous said...

Haha good joke
The Chinese army has no significant combat experience. They'll sh*t their underpants with big winnie the pooooh stains if they'd ever have to face an adversary like Russia or even the US lol ..."me no chinese..I don't likey dying gruesome death for winine pooh"