Tuesday, April 10, 2018

So Much For Lawyer-Client Confidentiality In The U.S.

Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz on Monday laid into Robert Mueller's team investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election. (Screenshot via Fox News)

Washington Examiner: Alan Dershowitz: Today is a 'very dangerous day for lawyer-client relations'

Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz warned Monday that special counsel Robert Mueller's decision to raid President Trump's personal lawyer's office is an assault on the privileged lawyer-client relationship.

Dershowitz said on Fox News that he believes the decision to raid Michael Cohen's office would be a sign that Mueller is trying to turn Cohen against Trump.

"This may be an attempt to squeeze Cohen," he said. "He's the lawyer, he's the guy who knows all the facts about Donald Trump, and to get him to turn against his client."

"This is a very dangerous day today for lawyer-client relations," he added.

Read more ....

WNU Editor:  Could not have said it any better.


fred said...

if not right, then not legal, and if not legal, there is the Supreme Court

Anonymous said...

If FBI investigating the lawyer,then that is not client privilege...even lawyers sometimes do criminal things.

fred said...

[Washington Post]
Trump attorney Cohen is being investigated for possible bank fraud, campaign finance violations
no client privilege on this

War News Updates Editor said...

Yes ... lawyers are not immune to the law.
But this is fooling no one. After almost one year of investigations they have nothing on President Trump. This is such a blatant course of action to find something on the President that I doubt that it is going to go over well with most Americans.
For the never Trumpers and for those who hate Trump .... they applaud this move. But if the roles were reversed and the FBI did this to Hillary Clinton's lawyer .... those who are applauding right now will be screaming bloody murder.
Perception is everything in politics .... and the perception on what is happening right now stinks.

Roger Smith said...


Agreed. Blatant, ugly political behavior. Unfortunately the country pays for it. I find it embarrassing.


fred said...


Jay Farquharson said...

Nope, unlike the 40 year Clinton Hunt, that you cheered on, that was conducted in Media,

These are Criminal/Intelligence that are being conducted quietly and professionally.

How do we know about the Cohen raids?

Cohen's Lawyer told the Media,

How do we know that the raids are investigating Cohen for bank fraud, wire fraud and illegal Campaign finance,

Cohen's Lawyer told the Media.

BTW, if you ever donated to the RNC, you might want to check, then change your Bank Accounts. The RNC made Cohen the Deputy of Finance, but they pulled him from the post yesterday.

Jay Farquharson said...

BTW, Possum Hollar's Elmora Gantry, Huckabee Saunder's at today's White Supremacy House Press Conference said:

She's not sure if Cohen's still Trump's Lawyer,

and the FBI raid on Cohen's home, office and hotel room has nothing to do with Treason Tribble,

So either y'all are getting all worked up over Fake News, or the White Supremacy House is lying, can't be both.