Sunday, April 1, 2018

The South Korean Navy Wants A Nuclear Submarine

A South Korea-based think tank recommends the country model its nuclear attack submarine after the French Barracuda-class submarine because it is powered by low-enriched uranium. (DCNS)

The Warzone/The Drive: Why Would The South Korean Navy Be Eyeing A Nuclear Submarine Capability?

A nuclear boat would offer significant additional capabilities for the service, but could come at a high cost, practically and politically.

South Korea’s Navy is looking into the practical and political feasibility of domestic design and production of a nuclear-powered submarine. The study comes amid heightened tensions with North Korea and concerns about that country’s own submarine-launched ballistic missile developments, but could further strain relationships on the Peninsula and beyond and could prove to be technically complex and expensive without a clear imperative to develop such a boat in the first place.

According to Defense News, in October 2017, the South Korean Navy hired Seoul-based think tank the Korea Defense Network (KDN) to conduct a five-month long study of possible designs. The final report recommended developing a nuclear attack submarine akin the France’s Barracuda-class.

Read more ....

Update: South Korea eyes French design for indigenous nuclear sub, sources say (Defense News)

WNU Editor: This is just a feasibility study .... but with joint Korean talks about to begin, the timing of this study could not have come at a worse time.


Unknown said...

II think 3 advanced diesel electrics would be money better spent.

Anonymous said...

If they get a nuclear sub, why should not North Korea have one?

Unknown said...


Because there is an armistice and allowing Kim Jong Ill to have a nuke sub is like allowing Hitler to have panzers.

We are not at peace with North Korea. We do not have to give them squat.

B.Poster said...

I'm not surprised SK wants one of these. DJT correctly called these b@tches out during the campaign. Essentially America will not serve as their b@tch boy forever.

They are eventually going to have to stand in their own. Furthermore knowing America will not be their b!tch boy forever has likely lit a fire under them to think that msybe just maybe we ought to try and make peace with the North. As such, we now have a peace process where before we had none.

Anonymous said...

If the South gets nuke subs, the North will too...matters not what US says but what Russia and China allow..the North now has nukes and will have unless they agree--not likely to happen--to give them up. They will not give them up if the South has nuke subs

Unknown said...

B poster

I like how you cuss. What script did that come from?

B.Poster said...


"What script did that come from?" Actually it was on the fly.

We're both American. As such, you know we often cuss when faced when extremely emotional situations that we are unable to influence.

The anon quote is largely correct. Since NK has as backers arguably the world's most powerful countries, perhaps SK needs to be mindful of this.

Having been informed that we will not be their b!tch boys forever SK hss concluded peace with NK might be the best path forward for them. This is largely why we are where we are in the "peace process." It actually pays to have a "make America great again" person as POTUS.

Unknown said...

B Poster,

Your idiolect gives you away. You are not American.

Anonymous said...

Да. Мое настоящее имя Борис, и мне платят в рублях

Unknown said...

У меня тоже есть перевод Google.

Я не думаю, что русский был бы таким же трудным, как это было, если бы был этот монах и ...

Это всегда начинается с монаха.

B.Poster said...


"Idiolect." When you are losing an argument based upon its merits, you resort to insults. I have explained why my typing is sometimes poor on this forum. I will do so again.

My eyesight is poor, I am very busy with other things, and I don't have time to utilize a proof reader when doing this.

I am American. We simply don't agree on what is the best path forward for our country at times.

Unknown said...

A++ Poster,

Asserting that you are not an American is not an insult. It is a statement and one that has cannot be dismissed out of hand given that we are on the internet. It cannot be dismissed also given the fact that someone posted a comment telling me that you were a troll and they then went on to say "don;t fee the troll!"

Your grammar seems off and you are the Kumbayah choir when it comes to singing the praises of Russia and China.

Yeah, you are a troll.

Unknown said...

A++ Poster,

Also, idiolect is not an insult.

If you think it is, then you got something to hide.