Monday, April 9, 2018

These Are The Wars That President Trump Should End Right Now

Daniel R. DePetris, National Interest: 3 Wars Trump Should End Right Now

When President Donald Trump signed the massive omnibus spending bill last month, he did so fleetingly and reluctantly. He called it a “ridiculous” piece of legislation that made a mockery of Congress as an institution, and he sternly made a promise: "I will never sign another bill like this again.”

The only reason Trump swallowed his disgust for the bill was because the U.S. military received a substantial windfall of cash courtesy of the American taxpayer. The 2018 omnibus threw $700 billion into the military’s coffers, a mountain of a figure that the bureaucrats and pencil pushers in the Pentagon never had to work with before.

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WNU Editor: These are wars that the U.S. should walk away from this year .... but my prediction is that the U.S. will not.


"Sebastian" said...

The US thrives on war, their economy is built on it. The US need wars.

Anonimed Profile said...

The United States of America without War is undoubtedly a crisis.