Wednesday, April 11, 2018

This Is How Russia Will Retaliate If The U.S. Launches A Military Strike Against Syria

Tyler Rogoway and Joseph Trevithick, The Drive: If The U.S. Attacks Syria Here's How Russia Could Retaliate Militarily

There is a real chance that Russia could follow through with their threats of retaliation, here's how we think they would most likely do it.

Just days after the gas attack on Douma, and as the U.S.-Russia relationship careens into the most tumultuous diplomatic period since the end of the Cold War, the internet is buzzing with all sorts of military-related claims. These include rumors of assets being discreetly moved towards Syria, aircraft carrying out specialized patrols over and near the country, and other more outlandish claims many of which have laughably bad sourcing if any at all. Still, it seems very likely that we are on the precipice of a U.S.-led military action against the Assad regime in Syria, and Russia has sworn time and again that they would respond in kind to such an act. But what would that look like? How could Russia act tough while still not near-instantly inciting World War III? What we think is the answer to that question is probably not what you have been hearing.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: There are many options on what Russia could do in the event of a U.S. military strike on Syria .... but #1 on my list will be Russia and Syrian jets striking Syrian rebels aligned with the U.S. in eastern Syria. But they will not stop there, #2 on my list will be giving a green light to Turkish President Erdogan that he can continue with his offensive against Syrian Kurds even though U.S. solders are embeded with them. With Russian backing .... I would not be surprised if Erdogan takes up that offer. Of course .... all of these options will probably result in U.S. - Russian casualties .... and where that will go is anyone's guess.

More News On Russian Warnings To The U.S. And Its Allies To Not Launch A Military Strike Against Syria

Russia Responds to Trump's Military Threats in Syria, Puts Forces on High Alert -- Newsweek
Russia says it warned U.S. of 'grave repercussions' if Syria attacked -- Reuters
Kremlin backers warn of threat of war with US as Syria tensions rise -- Washington Post
Duma defense chief says Russia may respond with military force to US strike on Syria -- RT
Russia boasts of practising shooting down missiles as US considers air strike on Syria -- The Telegraph
The Russians Are Jamming US Drones in Syria Because They Have Every Reason To Be -- The Drive


fazman said...

Why not shoot down any incoming cruise missiles ?

fazman said...

The Russians read my mind

Caecus said...

I doubt they will. Russian air defenses in Syria are not strong enough to stop a large scale cruise missile strike, without depleting their available missiles and therefore exposing Syria to complete US/Allied air supremacy

SCOTTYD said...

Fazman, did you see Trumps tweet this morning?

Antitroll said...

Apparently Russia will target launchers aswell. Be it plane or boat. That can spiral out of control if significant losses occur on both sides. I don't see Russia backing down

Andrew Jackson said...

Caesus is correct.

fazman said...

Tomahawk are not a difficult target for the S400 that has yet to be used, pantir is also most likely in place as point defence. Will some get through but even if half are destroyed its enough for Assad to ride out whatever's coming.

fazman said...

About 2 hours ago Aussie time yeah, shits getting serious

Andrew Jackson said...

Fazman ,at least 90% will get through. U.S. has thousands of Tomahawks. Russia has hundreds of S-400's ,no contest!

fazman said...

They don't have 1000s on hand to launch in one attack, you will probably see 80 or so launched.

Stephen Davenport said...

If they bomb or allies like I say, we will shoot their planes down and attack all of their air bases. The Russians are isolated in Syria and they know it. The Erdogan thing would be more than likely the option. IMO

Stephen Davenport said...

Fazman, even if it is only 80, the Russians are not capable of shooting them all down, most would make it, especially if it is a saturation attack. The US, France and Britain would most likely attempt to jam their radars as well. The Russians do not have many in Syria.

Stephen Davenport said...

Antiroll, no way the Russians attack the launchers, especially if we are only targeting Syrian positions. That would be suicide on their part.

fazman said...

On this we agree :)

fazman said...

If Syria managed to intercept 5/8 Israeli standoff missiles l think Russia will fare better than 50% saturation attack or not.
So far S400 is just a glossy impressive brochure but Pantir is proven and is ideal for point defence.
Unfortunately l think this time we will actually find out