Monday, April 9, 2018

This Is U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton's First Day In His New Job

CNBC: It's John Bolton's first day as Trump's national security advisor – and he's already facing a new crisis in Syria

* John Bolton started as President Trump's national security advisory Monday.
* Since Bolton accepted the job two weeks ago to replace H.R. McMaster, the Trump administration has ratcheted up its already extensive array of national security challenges.
* Trump helped push Syria back to the forefront of foreign policy debates, hinting at retaliating against a deadly chemical weapons attack.

John Bolton, President Donald Trump's third national security advisor in just over a year, started his new job Monday and already he has his plate full of crises and global tensions to deal with. The most pressing is Syria, given the developments over the weekend.

Since Bolton accepted the job two weeks ago to replace H.R. McMaster, the Trump administration has ratcheted up its already extensive array of national security challenges, including a diplomatic row with Russia, a brewing trade war with China, ongoing negotiations to set up nuclear talks with North Korea, and the president's order to send National Guard troops to the U.S. border with Mexico.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: He will be one voice of many. In the end .... whatever happens .... the final decision on foreign policy and national security issues will come from President Trump.

More News On U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton

Bolton starts today, with a Syria crisis on the agenda. But there are limits to what he can do. -- Washington Post
John Bolton now on the job, as President Trump weighs Syria options -- NBC
John Bolton faces a baptism of fire as his first day as National Security adviser begins hours after 'Israeli jets' bombed a Syrian airbase following Trump's vow that 'Animal Assad' would pay a 'big price' for gas attack -- Daily Mail
Syria attack response looms over Bolton's first week as national security adviser -- CNN
Day one in Trump's White House: John Bolton comes prepared -- Joseph I. Lieberman and Mark D. Wallace, The Hill


jimbrown said...

Three cheers!

Young Communist said...

Bolton is another neo-con hawk that whispers at Trump ears.

The perfect man after a "false flag" chemical attack.

Si-vis-pasen- said...

Bolton neo-con master warmonger ....
Deep state bastard, he is going to get us killed :-(.