Sunday, April 8, 2018

This Is Why A Vehicle For The U.S. Special Forces Costs Over $300,000

Popular Mechanics: How U.S. Special Forces Get Their Armored Pickups

These pickup trucks don’t look any different but can pack nearly two tons of armor.

U.S. special forces don't just ride around in any old truck. Their vehicles, which may appear normal from the outside, are anything but. A new video shows how one company takes civilian pickup trucks and SUVs common in combat zones and turns them into undercover rides for the CIA, Delta Force, Navy SEALs, and other operators. The vehicles are stripped down and then built back up again with special mission equipment and up to a ton of armor plating, all of it nigh invisible to the untrained eye.

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Previous Post: U.S. Special Forces Want A Vehicle That Can Blend In While Operating In Sensitive Locations (March 10, 2018)

WNU Editor: An extra 2 tons on these trucks .... that tells me that there is a lot of armor on these trucks/SUVs.


Anonymous said...

It would be cheaper to build it from scratch. The profit margin must be huge with bolt on parts and no repaint or engine transplant. A simple RPG would tear through the side of your 300k can.

Unknown said...

"A simple RPG would tear through the side of your 300k can."

Such simple logic.

Because a RPG could, then it is a waste and therefore by anonymous, undocumented, peanut gallery thinking, we MUST EXPOSE vehicle occupants to small arms fire, which is much more ubiquitous.

fazman said...

Yep, why have apcs or ifv for that matter