Tuesday, April 3, 2018

U.K. Experts Cannot Prove Novichok Nerve Agent Used On Skripals Came From Russia

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The Independent: Salisbury poisoning: UK experts cannot prove novichok nerve agent used on Skripals came from Russia, MoD says

'We have not identified the precise source, but we have provided the scientific info to government who have then used a number of other sources to piece together the conclusions'

Accusations and recriminations between Britain and Russia are set to escalate with the news that scientists at the Porton Down military research facility have been unable to establish exactly where the novichok nerve agent used to carry out the Skripal attack was manufactured.

The admission comes the day before Moscow convenes an emergency meeting of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in The Hague in which it is expected to demand access to samples from the Salisbury poisoning for analysis by Russian scientists.

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WNU Editor: This is embarrassing .... ad admission from the U.K. government that I am sure they were reluctant to make. Talked to my brother who has a doctorate in chemistry .... according to him, all you need are chemists who know what they are doing, access to certain critical components, and a well equipped and secured lab to produce it. In short .... the list of suspects who could have made this nerve agent are worldwide. As to what is my take .... The only reason why the U.K. government is blaming Russia is because of Sergei Skripal's past connections to Russia's GRU .... and it is a legitimate claim. After all .... why would anyone want to kill someone like him in such an extravagant manner .... unless to send a message that no one leaves Russia's intelligence community alive. As to why now .... who knows. On a side note .... this is an obvious leak form the U.K. government, but it does raise some legitimate questions .... Was poisoner on the same flight to the UK as spy's daughter? Russian on Yulia Skripal's plane from Moscow is investigated over nerve agent attack (Daily Mail).

More News On UK Experts Admitting That They Cannot Prove Where The Novichok Nerve Agent Used On The Skripals Came From

Porton Down experts unable to identify 'precise source' of novichok that poisoned spy -- SKY News
UK scientists unable to prove Russia made nerve agent -- France 24
Russian spy: Source of nerve agent 'not identified' -- BBC
Experts unable to identify source of nerve agent but UK says it's Russia -- CNN
Porton Down experts unable to verify precise source of novichok -- The Guardian


fred said...

Must have been Sweden or Iceland cause they always bump off their own enemies

Bert Bert said...

My brother has a doctorate in chemistry as well. He’s a prof at a major university. He’s been very succesful in streamlining steps to synthesize compounds. Fewer steps means less waste and lower costs.

fred said...

“We gave the Russians every opportunity to come up with an alternative hypothesis such as the one you have just described, and they haven’t,” he said to the BBC interviewer on Sunday. “Their response has been a sort of mixture of smug sarcasm and denial, obfuscation and delay.”

He said that experts from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons would arrive in Britain on Monday to test samples of the agent used in the Salisbury poisoning — something Russia has requested.

“We will share the samples with them,” he said. “They will then be tested by the most reputable possible international laboratories.”