Wednesday, April 11, 2018

U.S. Defense Budget Reveals A Massive Military Commitment In Syria For 2019

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Quartz: The US military budget shows just how deep Donald Trump is getting into Syria

Donald Trump warned Russia that US missiles to Syria “will be coming, nice and new and “smart!” in a tweet Wednesday morning.

The threat is a response to a reported chemical weapons attack on the Syrian town of Douma, which was held by the rebel forces. At least 40 people died during the bombing on Saturday (Apr. 7,) according to rescue workers and other observers who blame the Syrian government forces. The Syrian government has denied the accusations.

While initially reluctant to get entangled in the war in Syria, the US is prepared to be more involved than ever. In fiscal year 2019, the government assigned $15.3 billion’s worth of Department of Defense funds for US operations in the troubled Middle Eastern country. It set aside another billion in foreign aid and other help through the Department of State, according Costs of War, a research project at Brown University.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Over $15 billion to be committed in 2019 to U.S. military operations in Syria?!?!?!


jimbrown said...

I feel iraq again.

Anonymous said...

False flag justified.

Iraq 2.0

B.Poster said...

"False flag." POTUS made it clear at one point that he wanted out of this mess. We've been through this with Iraq before. Whether the intelligence simply turned out to be wrong or someone lied I do not know. Either way efforts to fix US (un)intelligence have not been undertaken. As such, we should be very skeptical of anything they tell us.

War in Syria risks a confrontation with Russia arguably the most powerful military force on earth. If we need to do this, leaders need to be very clear on exactly why we need to do this. Because we said so is not good enough and because we are glum about the outcome of the presidential election is not good enough either. I'm not even sure "collusion" in our election would be a good enough reason regardless how it came out. At a minimum, all sources and methods used to arrive at this conclusion would need to be revealed to be examined very thoroughly by the American people. "Because we say so" isn't enough for something when the stakes and the risks are this high. These are serious things and need to be thought through very carefully. Unfortunately the leadership including POTUS are behaving like impulsive children.

B.Poster said...

"False Flag." Some have made it clear that they did not/do not want POTUS to have full access to US intelligence. Is he getting accurate intelligence? If this goes badly, this would make it much easier for his enemies to have him removed from office. Perhaps they are setting him up for a fall. Some have also suggested they want to have a draft in order to feed their insane desire to fight Russia. A defeat of the US military by the Russians in Syria could bolster their plans for a draft and enhance their chances of ousting POTUS.

While I do NOT believe the conspiracy theories that have often surrounded Pearl Harbor, it is seeming more and more likely to me that Trump's critics are capable of just about anything. The problem with this thinking is what was meant to be staged as a semi major defeat could turn into a catastrophe for the US very quickly that could result in even bigger destruction than they were trying to stage. The Russians and their allies might not limit their response to Syria.

Hopefully I am wrong about this. In any event, we all need to think on these things very carefully before doing anything reckless and stupid.

Anonymous said...

Товарищ! продолжайте хорошую работу и зарабатывайте рубли и водки, обещанные вам вашими лучшими

Naz said...

Здесь глупость нельзя, пожалуйста.