Monday, April 9, 2018

U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis Says U.S. Hasn't Ruled Out Military Action Against Syrian President Assad

CNBC/Reuters: Mattis does not rule out 'anything' after suspected Syria gas attack

* U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said on Monday he would not rule out "anything" after this weekend's suspected chemical attack in Syria triggered speculation about a U.S. military response and he piled blame on Russia for falling short on its obligations to ensure that Syria abandoned its chemical weapons capabilities.
* When asked if he could rule out taking actions, like launching airstrikes against Assad, Mattis said: "I don't rule out anything right now."

U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said on Monday he would not rule out "anything" after this weekend's suspected chemical attack in Syria triggered speculation about a U.S. military response and he piled blame on Russia for falling short on its obligations to ensure that Syria abandoned its chemical weapons capabilities.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Listening to U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis .... the impression that I am getting is that a decision has already been made on what to do in Syria, they are just sorting out the options.

More News On U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis Not ruling Out Military Action Against Syrian President Assad

Mattis does not rule out 'anything' after suspected Syria gas attack -- Reuters
Mattis Not Ruling Out Military Strikes in Syria -- AP
Mattis says US hasn't ruled out military action against Assad -- CNN
'I don't rule anything out': Mattis on taking action in Syria -- AFP
Mattis won't rule out airstrikes against Assad's regime -- Politico
Mattis on possible US airstrikes in Syria: 'I don't rule out anything, right now' -- ABC News
Mattis: US Not Ruling Out Action Against Syria -- VOA
Mattis on Possible US Military Action Against Assad: 'I Don't Rule Out Anything' -- FOX News


Anonymous said...

So who's interest is it in, to allege a 'chemical attack' occured? The answer is: whoever wanted the US to stay involved in the Syria debacle, in defiance of Trump's recent announcement that he wants to pull out now that IS is almost defeated.

Is it in the Syrian government's interest to perpetrate a chemical weapons attack? Heck, no. They've almost won their long and draining war. Why antagonize the US on the cusp of victory?

Is it in the interests of Russia and Iran? No way. Why risk provoking a US attack on their own forces in Syria, when their Syrian gov ally has almost defeated the remaining rebels, and only tiny pockets of resistance remain? Why risk it all now?

It's in Netanyahu's interests, though. Netanyahu – the guy that all those former heads of Mossad recently called a whack job, in their public condemnation of his reckless leadership, widely reported in the Israeli media.

Netanyahu figures that by drawing in the USA and getting it to smash the Syrian government, Syria will be balkanized and the Iranians will be forced out. Even better, maybe the US will also lob some Tomahawk Blk. IVs at Tehran, or decertify the Iran nuclear deal and slap new sanctions on Iran.

It means that Israel can keep the 100 years worth of oil and gas reserves sitting under the Golan heights, instead of handing the Golan back to Syria as international law requires.

It means Israel can push into Lebanon, for the Lebanese water reserves that Israel has long wanted for its own use – and, to go after Hezbollah. Once Syria falls, nobody can prop up Hezbollah, which means Lebanon falls too.

It means Eretz Israel, 'Greater Israel', reaching into Syria, fulfilling a major part of the Oded Yinon territorial expansion plan pursued by successive Isreali governments.

Trump needs Sheldon Adelson's financial support to win the mid-terms. Adelson gave Trump so much money for his Presidential run, that Adelson sat close behind Trump during the inauguration. Special VIP invite, not far from Trump's family.

Adelson is best friends with Netanyahu.

Netanyahu wants Assad gone at all costs.

Do the math.

Roger Smith said...

Gas is less expensive if you want to drive out your enemy. No shattered infrastructure to rebuild.

"Do the math."


fred said...

do the math is the cliche of a losing argument by one who wants to make you think he has the answers...your Israel tripe is as foolish a thing as can be read anywhere...Shyria dumped the gas. they felt no pressure right after Trump said we were leaving

fazman said...

Yeah makes total sense , l said something similar 3 months ago and was told stock to the facts lol. Well schools back in session and ^^^ is fact number 1. Assad has zilch to do with this ,period.

fred said...

let see:
It was gas used by the rebels, surrounded but still flying their planes
It was done by Israel
It was done by Russia
It was done by Iran
It was done by the Kurds
It was done by Turkey
It was done by America
It was done by...Assad? how can that be since he had done it before and also has airplanes and those gassed were his enemy?
It was done by an unknown player, not yet identified
It was done by ISIS...they have planes we do not know about, or perhap,s drones

fazman said...

Last time l checked it was already shattered.