Friday, April 6, 2018

U.S. Homeland Security Wants To Track Journalists And 'Media Influencers'

CBS: Homeland Security to compile database of journalists, media influencers

The Department of Homeland Security posted a contract request this week for "Media Monitoring Services," which will compile a database of hundreds of thousands of journalists, bloggers and "media influencers" for the federal government. After an outcry on social media, a Department of Homeland Security spokesman tweeted "this is nothing more than the standard practice of monitoring current events in the media."

The work request from DHS seeks a firm that has the ability to monitor up to 290,000 global news sources; ability to track media coverage in up to 100 languages and the ability to "track online, print, broadcast, cable, radio, trade and industry publications, local sources, national/international outlets, traditional news sources, and social media."

Read more ....

WNU Editor: And if you are suspicious of the motives .... according to the above tweet .... you are "fit for tin foil hat wearing, black helicopter conspiracy theorists".

More News On Homeland Security Wanting To Compile A Database That Tracks Journalists And 'Media Influencers'

DHS: Fears over journalist database 'fit for tin foil hat wearing ... conspiracy theorists' -- CNN
Homeland Security to compile database of journalists and ‘media influencers’ -- Chicago Sun Times
Department Of Homeland Security Compiling Database Of Journalists And 'Media Influencers' -- Forbes
Homeland Security Wants to Build an Online 'Media Influence Database' to Track Journalists -- Gizmodo
DHS defends media-monitoring database, calls critics “conspiracy theorists” -- Ars Technica


Roger Smith said...

There is a relatively new billion dollar plus building in Utah built for one of these government agencies keeping us safe[?]. It is the storehouse for all this big brother stuff and has capacity for storing uncountable numbers of phone calls and, I suppose, other forms of communication. My question is how many times has this newer phone call warehouse and the older, jam packed ones assisted in stopping any unlawful activity, or been used in legal proceedings? I've yet to see anything informing us, who have to pay for this questionable endeavor, what we have gotten for our money.
Noting the dim-o-crats behavior these last 8 years, such a benevolent big brother mindset is very very disturbing to me.

Roger Smith

Anonymous said...

the GOP runs the house, senate, with the here and now

Unknown said...

They'll be building affinity charts of people.

Private citizens do this also.

Except that as the government they will have way more resources.

I have no doubt that the Eric Holder, Obamas. and Clintons of the world would use it for their political advantage.

This is parallel to the kinetic world that is getting faster, hypersonic.

In addition to the affinity charts, they will list what every reporter believes policy-wise and who influenced them.

They will track belief/policy choices spread like epidemiologists do.

They will try to use the knowledge to shape beliefs according to how they want.

There is good and bad in it.

And they will use access to this information to get rich like the swamp dweller of the Potomac usually do.

fred said...

Sure. always blame the Democrats...the Repubs, now fully in power will close the joint down in two weeks, right? and keeping info in the swamps of DC? The Russians are using knowledge to shape beliefs as becomes increasingly clear.

Anonymous said...

Are we in the US doing anything that China, Germany, Gt Britain, Russia do not do?

Anonymous said...

"And if you are suspicious of the motives .... according to the above tweet .... you are "fit for tin foil hat wearing, black helicopter conspiracy theorists".
Really! Well then I must call Alcoa and make sure I have the necessary supplies and of course any advice on wearing said headgear on black helicopters.

Unknown said...

I am sorry Fred, but it very apparent that Obama weaponized the IRS.

Here is an article from NPR. It is not the NYT so it is not quite gospel, but it is canonical.

This is proven.


Unknown said...


Are you conveniently forgetting about Filegate?

Craig Livingstone?

Ring a bell?


She was exonerated? Because she did not remember?

Hillary is still around, because Republicans pushback so hard against the Democrats. A millennial explained it to me. Other generations would say the Republicans were doormats. The millenials are more descriptive.

Unknown said...


You will like this.

Unknown said...

Issikoff is a poor excuse for a reporter.

He does not tell the whole truth. How is it that reporters can do what prosecutors cannot?
They hold back the truth to suit their agenda/narrative.

He parcels it out.

That is at the very least. Some things he might not ever reveal, because it would hurt the agenda.

Maybe Issikoff is waiting 50 years to protect Obama like they protected that Great White Hope of the Democrats Teddy Kennedy (The Lion of the Senate)?

Have you seen the movie Chappaquiddick?

Unknown said...


I wonder which circle of Dante's Hell he will end up in?

"But now these two guys have known this for the entire time they’ve been researching this book! These two clowns are no different than these journalists who embed themselves with campaigns and learn all kinds of things that they save until after the election! Things that would have been of relevance before the election!"

Fred, do you mean that Issikoff?

The Issikoff of the little blue dress?

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

We shall see.

I mean it is just awful, very awful.

Minority unemployment rate is at the lowest point in years, decades.

Two points.
- Obama, The One, had nothing to do with it.
- This threatens the jobs of the Democrat establishment. We can;t have that to look for all the Democrat billionaires to dig deep in their pockets to fund an advertising blitzkrieg dutifully carried out by the foot soldiers of the MSM.

My gosh, if this continues there will be wage inflation and minorities will makes more and more and not need the Democrap party.

What is a hacienda without peons?

Anonymous said...

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