Thursday, April 5, 2018

Why Russia Would Lose A Second Cold War?

Harry J. Kazianis, FOX News: Here’s why Russia would lose a second Cold War -- and would be unwise to start one

While the world might be captivated by Russia’s rogue actions of late—attacking dissidents on British soil with chemical weapons, backing Syria’s Bashar al Assad, as well as clearly proving its military is back—know this: Russia is condemned to the same fate as the old Soviet Union when it comes to the possibility of a new Cold War. Moscow would lose—and be thrown into the scrap heap of history just like the old USSR.

But before we declare the start of another dangerous turn in U.S.-Russia relations, it’s worth looking at how both sides stack up on paper according to key measurements, and why President Vladimir Putin is playing a dangerous game—a game that, in fact, he has no way of winning.

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WNU Editor: The current tensions are nowhere near what it was like in the first Cold War. But this is also a conflict that Russia cannot win.


Anonymous said...

But this war would involve China. An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind!

Anonymous said...

I would say relations are worse today than they ever were during the old cold war.

jimbrown said...

Perhaps the summit with Trump will cool things down.

Im confused why we took some harsh steps in response to London murder without proof.

Anonymous said...

"Jim" aka ?

what summit? the one with Putin, Iran, Turkey?
the response? the poison is made in russia. now the place where it was made in england has been you believe the nations of the West or play along with Russia and why so? denial is bs at this time?
this sort of thing is trademark of Russia and has been for years...what is your game?

Carl said...

Russia hasn't started ANY Cold War. The US and NATO never left the last one. They saw the collapse of the Soviet Union as a victory and humiliated Russia in the 1990's as if it were a defeated power. Read Dick Cheney's 1992 draft defense planning guidance. That paper declared that the US was now the one sole super power and would tolerate no challenges to its new found status. That draft document was rejected at the time by cooler heads in the administration but it defacto became policy of the neo-cons and the liberal interventionists anyway. And, if you've been paying attention, you will have noted that a any "challenge" to that sole super power status comes in the form of a government acting as if it were sovereign and could make its own decisions about its destiny. That's why Russia is under attack, today. It has nothing to do with Russian "aggression." That's a canard to justify a confrontation that will actually lead to World War III, something any sane person should be concerned to stop.