Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Butter Over Guns In Russia

© Sputnik / Alexei Druzhinin

Fred Weir, CSM: To pay for a 'Russia first' agenda, Putin takes ax to military spending

Inaugurated for his fourth official term as Russia's president Monday, Vladimir Putin surprised many by declaring what sounds like a “Russia first” program: a relentless focus on domestic development, to be partially paid for by sharp cuts in defense spending.

It may sound contrary to Western perceptions of Russia's global intentions. But the priorities listed in the new Kremlin strategic program suggest that Mr. Putin has decided to use what seems likely to be his final term in office to cement his already substantial legacy as a nation-builder.

The projected surge in spending on roads, education, and health care will have to be paid for. A key source of that funding will be the military budget, which had been growing by around 10 percent annually for much of the Putin era.

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WNU Editor: This is one of those stories that deserve far more attention than what it has received.

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