Friday, May 11, 2018

Did The FBI Hire And Place An Informer In The Trump 2016 Campaign? (Update)

Kimberley A. Strassel, FOX News/The Wall Street Journal: Did the FBI place a mole inside the 2016 Trump campaign?

The Department of Justice lost its latest battle with Congress Thursday when it allowed House Intelligence Committee members to view classified documents about a top-secret intelligence source that was part of the FBI’s investigation of the Trump campaign. Even without official confirmation of that source’s name, the news so far holds some stunning implications.

Among them is that the Justice Department and Federal Bureau of Investigation outright hid critical information from a congressional investigation. In a Thursday press conference, Speaker Paul Ryan bluntly noted that Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes’s request for details on this secret source was “wholly appropriate,” “completely within the scope” of the committee’s long-running FBI investigation, and “something that probably should have been answered a while ago.” Translation: The department knew full well it should have turned this material over to congressional investigators last year, but instead deliberately concealed it.

Read more ....

Previous Post: Did The FBI Hire An Informant To Spy On The Trump Campaign? (May 10, 2018)

WNU Editor: There is an update in the above post by Kimberley A. Strassel .... the House Intelligence Committee members were not shown the classified documents about a top-secret intelligence source that was part of the FBI’s investigation of the Trump campaign when they met Department of Justice and FBI officials yesterday. Personally .... I am not interested in the name of this informer who apparently is an American. What I find astounding (and it is something that I am still trying to digest) is that the Obama administration actually hired someone to be a part of the Trump campaign for the sole purpose of spying on then candidate Trump.


Anonymous said...

I take it as the truth that Obama used all means available to spy on Trump and his associates. Publishing this truth is where we are now.

What shocked them probably is that they found no criminal conduct, so they invented the dossier and cleaned it up using the now lost prestige of the FBI.

The fact McCain was a party to this corruption forever destroys his reputation. His conduct was worthy of Stasi, Gestapo, KGB tactics.

RussInSoCal said...

This Mueller sham is fast turning into a gathering-speed train wreck.

No wonder Trump is letting it roll on.

And no wonder Obama’s is being so uncharacteristically quiet these days. Keeping a low profile because he’s likely to be implicated (indicted) in the biggest political corruption scandal ever.

Observer of corrupt intent. said...

One thing should rise above the politics of a sovereign free nation even one as political as the US. That is, the protection of the electorate, free press and fair elections, no outside(foreign elements) intervention. When the intelligence agencies recognized foreign intervention, the status quo of security apparatus hands off domestic elections went to the wayside. Trump team and hangers on brought this intrusion by our security agencies on themselves. Just as HC brought elements of disruption to her candidacy by the mistakes she and her protégés made.

A president who has no problem with three thousand lies in 18 months is a symptom of a rancid and corrupt climate within their campaign from the beginning. One which needed then and needs now to be cleaned and disinfected by those protecting our democratic/republican form of government. He seems the need to see within the scheme by our security apparatus.

Those who disagree, are authoritarian loving apologists who will forgive and forget even the most corrupted deeds by an immoral leader our country has ever known, Donald J. Trump carnival barker with the might of a superpower and the empathy of a used car salesman.

Thank goodness the FBI was staking out these slim Balls!

And if Obama Admin had been corrupted like the Trump campaign, certainly his own FBI would have come down,just as hard on pursuing the truth and prosecuting them. Justice is blind accept in the hands of the corruptive forces of Republican politicians who put party ahead of country almost every time.

RussInSoCal said...

Observer of corrupt intent,

Thanks for that rote, sniveling Trump-hate screed. You need to venture out of your mother's basement once in a while. Maybe you can free yourself of the leftist-indoctrination haze you currently live in.

"Those who disagree, are authoritarian loving apologists who will forgive and forget even the most corrupted deeds by an immoral leader our country has ever known, Donald J. Trump carnival barker with the might of a superpower and the empathy of a used car salesman."



Unknown said...

" the Obama administration actually hired someone to be a part of the Trump campaign for the sole purpose of spying on then candidate Trump." - WNU

Rush wouldn't go there.

But a caller did. They wondered is Obama hired spied to put in the Jeb Bush and and Ted Cruz campaigns.

If that hypothesis is found to be true, the Democrat Party will be enemies of the American people.