Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Do Most Arab Youths See The U.S. As A Threat?

Axios: Arab youth see the U.S. as an enemy

Arab youth now view the United States primarily as an adversary, according to an annual survey of 18-24 year olds in 16 Arab states.

Why it matters: The U.S. has held a presence in many of these countries for years, but the latest Burson-Marsteller Arab Youth Survey reveals a dramatic shift in how youth in the region view America: 57% of those surveyed this year see the U.S. as an enemy, and 35% consider the U.S. an ally. That's almost a complete reversal of the numbers from 2016.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: I am always skeptical of these polls. These Arab youths may say that they see the U.S. as the enemy, but if given the chance to become American citizens they would grab it if they have the chance .... even over Russia where according to the above poll most Arab youths trust. This Axios poll (that says 63% saw the U.S. as an ally in 2016) also contradicts this US News and World Report poll from the same time period where 82% saw the U.S. as a threat .... Poll: Arabs See U.S. as a Threat (US News and World Report).

Hat tip to Fred for the Axios link.

1 comment:

jac said...

I am very cautious because the Arabs' spirit of mind is extremely volatile for every body or everything.