Friday, May 4, 2018

Federal Judge Slams Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Aim Is To Get President Trump

Reuters: U.S. judge questions special counsel's powers in Manafort case

ALEXANDRIA, Va. (Reuters) - A federal judge on Friday sharply criticized Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s criminal case in Virginia against President Trump’s former campaign manager, Paul Manafort, and openly questioned whether Mueller exceeded his prosecutorial powers by bringing it.

“I don’t see what relationship this indictment has with anything the special counsel is authorized to investigate,” U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis in the Eastern District of Virginia said.

At tense hearing at the federal courthouse in Alexandria, Virginia, the judge said Mueller should not have “unfettered power” in his Russia probe and that the charges against Manafort did not arise from the investigation into Moscow’s alleged meddling in the 2016 U.S. election.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The judge's comments have made the main stream media apoplectic for about 15 minutes .... and now I see nothing on the news but the Stormy story. But the judge has not made a ruling on the Manafort case, which means anything can happen. And now we have this .... Mueller requests 70 blank subpoenas in Manafort case (The Hill). This is actually big news. As we learned from former Trump campaign adviser Michael Caputo two days ago .... A Look At How The Russia Probe Is Destroying Families (May 2, 2018) .... as a witness he has spent $125,000 in legal fees .... I guess 70 other witnesses are going to be hit with the same bills. 

More News On Today's Federal Judge's Remarks On The Mueller Commission

Judge in Manafort case says Mueller's aim is to hurt Trump -- CNN
Federal judge in Virginia grills special counsel on Manafort investigation -- Washington Post
Manafort Judge Questions If Mueller Overstepped His Authority -- Bloomberg
Federal judge asks skeptical questions on Mueller's authority to bring charges against Paul Manafort -- CBS/AP
Judge wonders if Paul Manafort bank fraud case is just a means to get him to ‘sing’ against Trump -- NY Daily News
Federal judge accuses Mueller's team of 'lying,' trying to target Trump: 'C'mon man!' -- FOX News


Anonymous said...

70 Blank subpoenas.. Sounds like they are getting ready to subpoena everyone and use this as a media tactic to being the country to near chaos for a week. I gotta tell you, if Mueller is wrong about all this and can only find white collar crimes and nothing -massive- (I'm not talking some hearsay connections and allegations, but big concrete proof about clear and indesputable Russia collusion), he, his team, comey and the democratic party and cnn etc are toast for decades to come. If however he can actually prove any of this and it's not a political tactic to get to the midterms and get Democrats in power and try to bury it all, then in fact he will be an epic hero and the republican party and fox news will pay a heavy price to ever be associated.

Everyone who can tries to stay out of this fight because it'll be epic...

I personally hope trump is just a vulgar guy who actually gets a few things done. Because so far, after two years of investigation (first fbI and then Mueller) and so far you only have process crimes and people's lives destroyed who apparently didn't do anything big wrong. Certainly not collude with Russians and deserve to be treated like this. It looks very very bad at the moment for the democratic party and cnn. They are right on the small things, I believe. .EG stormy Daniels and his constant lying. .but I don't think he would collude with Russians in a sinister way. Having said that, it seems the steele dossier came about through paying some Russians. And ironically it's the democratic side that used it. .and comey who politicised it. And Cooper,Lemon,and a few shriking other commentators risk their entire career by not understanding to differentiate. I might be wrong, but if I'm right cnn is absolute toast and to prevent this they need to fire those anchors /replace them gradually with more trump friendly commentators to not make it appear sudden. ..they'll never admit basically calling Trump a traitor in 24/7 coverage.

Anonymous said...

Mueller has got nothing so he's trying to bait Trump into firing him. Then the Dems win the House or Senate in November and impeach and remove from office.

That's the game plan.

This judge just might have seen enough of Mueller's BS to put an end to it.

fred said...

perhaps, then, you do not hear much from other sources because:

The federal judge in Washington, Amy Berman Jackson, has not yet ruled on the request to dismiss that indictment.

any final rulting will in fact bring exposure no matter how it is finally ruled. Again, slow down. Wait the fullness of time

Unknown said...

We've waited the last 2 months of 2016, all of 2017 and the first 4 months of 2018.

That is 1.5 years plus all the spying team Obama did before then. There is a jail cell awaiting little miss R2P.

We need to go biblical on Mueller and his posse.

By this I mean do to him what he has done to others. He needs to be put in the poor house.

Anonymous said...

How much slower do you want to go, Fred? I've been telling you months ago the same thing "it's time Mueller etc finally show some evidence related to Russia collusion"..all we have - and you know that, is what seems an FBI gone rogue and a completely corrupt investigation that has cost millions in fees, destroyed people's lives far beyond actual crimes committed (punishment should fit the crimes, you know?) AND NO EVIDENCE PRODUCED. When will we see evidence? I keep asking you that and you keep ssying things take time. Not that much time, sir. Not if there's Russia collusion. And on the democratic side - and if you are an honest broker you won't deny that - they keep information retracted, stone wall congressional oversight and I haven't even scratched the surface. It's time, I'm telling you. There won't be anymore waiting. People have had enough. Having said that, if anyone has "colluded" with Russia in a treasonous fashion - I'm all for long time prison. All I'm saying for months now (soon a year, and before that a year of fbi, so almost to the day 2 years of non stop investigation and no evidence produced)..lot of talk. .lot of unrelated crimes (it's Washington duh) but nothing on actual Russia collusion. nothing.

Time to wake up, Fred... smell the coffee

B.Poster said...

"By this I mean do to him what he has done to others. He needs to be put in the poor house." Already a number of good and honorable people have been destroyed.

I've actually seen our (in)justice system do this numerous times but never so publically. Before this many could blythly believe we have a real justice system. The facade has pretty well been ripped up.

I suspect men like Bob Mueller have done what is currently being done to POTUS and his team numerous times in their careers. The biblical laws of sewing and reaping do eventually catch up, perhaps not now but eventually. The last anonymous post pretty much sums it up.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it's really Mueller. The guy who started this was Comey. He has to pay for what he did for political reasons. His memos are so biased and he cannot even see it. It is so sad.
This guy honestly thinks he's the white knight. He's deluded and clearly not that intelligent. How he ever became the director of the FBI. Unbelievable.

Has anyone read the memo here about the infamous dinner with Trump? I did. At the time I knew it's over. Absolutely ridiculous. What Comey needs is a psychotherapist. He clearly has issues of self sacrifice and self righteousness. Perhaps because he's really tall and kept getting promoted he actually believed he is the one, like Neo in the Matrix haha. .that's what his Memos read like. Like he waited his whole life for his big mission and the dinner with Trump was it. So sad that when he realises in a few years what he did (he's too close to it now), he'll regret much of his life and I don't wish that on him. He truly believef he was doing the right thing. I don't think he's out to make money and planned it all. He wants to be famous. He wants to shine for all of us. And he'll shine alright. Some hardcore anti trumpers adore him and always will. But once the media is done with him, he can be lucky if he gets a CNN contributor job. Like they all do after they wreck it. He could have been president and he clearly wants to be political. He claims he doesn't but common, his face brightens up every time when the camera is on him. He loves that stuff. Tell me I'm wrong. .but his ego is just as big as Trump's. Problem is he doesn't have the stamina to go against Trump. Like honestly that guy is unbelievable. He's a pig. A swine. Vulgar. I've said so many times. But he's got great instinct and Unbelievable stamina. I remember when Clinton wobbled and barely made it into the car and CNN said nothing. Trump clearly fabricated parts of his health certificate. But he definitely is healthier while hillary is deluded and quite sad to watch these days. Still talking about breaking glass ceilings while being thr most sexist person I've ever witnessed to run for office and claim men are the sexists. She's incredible. She played the sex card so many times. It's not even funny anymore. It's just sad.

And that's what you habe. Completely deluded liberal anchors, many of them involved in sex scandals (on the right as well, but considering how preachy the left has become my God they look bad. .just as bad if not worse than the right. ..and all these other guys like Spitzer..they're also on the left )...if the left and CNN/MSNBC wouldn't be involved in so many scandals (Dona Brazile@cnn anyone? ) I would take their arguments perhaps more seriously. .and about 5-10 years ago the corruption wasn't as apparent. .but now. .just wow... and that's scary. It used to be just Fox which was bad but cnn right now is actually worse and fox is doing better.

Unknown said...

The Special Counsel was about collusion not doping an IRS enema of political enemies.

The speciaL counsel law will be revised it not completely revoked. This will be due to vindictiveness, hubris and malice of Mueller.

Anonymous said...

Look very closely at Clapper and Brennan.

fred said...

You use words that say what you want to say but use spellings that give them meanings you do not want to use
English not your native language

B.Poster said...


I think the last sentence of your last post says it all. Judge Andrew Napolitano thinks Mueller may actually have evidence of Russian collusion based upon his analysis of the 45 questions. If this is so, then the counsel needs to be focusing like a laser on this and ignoring rest. The fact that they aren't suggests one of two things. 1.)They don't have the evidence and are digging frantically. 2.)They do have the evidence but are withholding it keeping the investigation open for as long as possible while expanding it for as wide as possible in an attempt to destroy as many members of Trump's team members for things completely unrelated. Either way vindictiveness, hubris, and malice appear to be an accurate descriptions of team Mueller.

So far we have a possible alleged affair from 12 years ago, a clunsy effort to explain how a payoff was made, and how much POTUS knew and when he knew it. At worst, this is a campaign finance violation worthy of a fine similar to the one BHO paid in 2013.

As we discussed on a previous thread, DJT has a morally checked past. Given the choices we had, there was little choice we had. As you pointed out, church goer have made peace with this. As a Christian myself, I can attest to this.

The editor comments on what his "gut" tells him. My "gut" tells me POTUS is a differnt person from the person he was 12 years ago. The experiences of marrying Melania, having a son late in life, and two presidential campaigns where he is seeking to serve as opposed to self promotion would tend to do that to someone,

Unknown said...


I had two spelling mistakes, which would make it hard for a non-native speaker to understand. It would make it hard to annoying for a native speaker to understand.

To the non-native speakers I apologize. To you I do not.

Hubris, malice and vindictiveness describe Mueller well. They are not a complete description of the man, but they are salient points of his personality.

Unknown said...

Would Trump make the same mistake again? Probably not. He might make the mistake differently or not at all. I bet Melania dutiful wife that she was, was out of commission for a good 6 months. Trump being rich and not a patient man did what he did. Many people have.

While what Trump may have done is not according to the good book, but those of the 12 Tribes were not perfect either. See Judah and Tamar.

True or not true I will cut Trump some slack.