Friday, May 11, 2018

Iran Vows To Restart Nuclear Enrichment On An Industrial Scale

A bank of centrifuges in what Iranian state television says is the fuel enrichment plant at Natanz

CNN: Iran vows to pursue 'industrial-scale enrichment' if nuclear deal fails

Tehran (CNN)Iran says it is ready to restart nuclear enrichment on an "industrial scale" in the wake of the US decision to abandon the deal that curbs the country's nuclear ambitions.

In a statement published Friday, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said he would embark on a round of international diplomacy to try and save the deal. At the same time, the country would make preparations to restart its nuclear program, he said.

Zarif's comments came as thousands of Iranians took to the streets in the largest demonstration since US President Donald Trump announced his decision to abandon the deal on Tuesday.

Protesters burned an American flag and railed against the US and Israel after emerging from Friday prayers in Tehran.

Read more ....

Update: Iran leader Hassan Rouhani says Trump will not win ‘psychological war’ as he orders preparations for uranium enrichment (The Independent).

WNU Editor: Here is an easy prediction. Life for the average Iranian is not going to be easy in the coming year.

1 comment:

opit said...

There is quite a bit of misrepresentation about the tech used for 'something you damn well do NOT want to go BANG' as opposed to something you DO. Iran had an enrichment program to 20% which would have satisfied roughly half of domestic demand for isotopes used in nuclear medicine. Weapons grade enrichment of 95% is not even established as being within their capabilities - nor is there any assurance that in such case Russia would not cut off supply of nuclear feedstocks. Moscow may well not have any fondness for any Iranian WMD itself - and is in a good position to squelch any such initiative.