Saturday, May 12, 2018

Palestinians Are Now Launching Waves Of Kites With Molotov Cocktails Across The Gaza Border Into Israel

A kite marked with a swastika carrying a petrol bomb flying across the Gaza border into Israel on April 20, 2018 (IDF spokesman)

The Warzone/The Drive: Palestinians Now Sending Waves Of Incendiary Kites Across Gaza Border

The asymmetric warfare tactic may look laughable at first glance but it's proving to be devastatingly effective against Israeli farms and forests.

As part of the latest flare-up (literally) in the never-ending Palestinian-Israel conflict, kites carrying incendiary payloads are being sent from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory, setting off a scourge of highly destructive fires. One blaze in the Be'eri Forest has been particularly devastating. Agricultural lands have also been set on fire by the wind-carried improvised weapons in recent days. Launches of burning kites have coincided with a rash of violent protests near the border fences that separate Gaza from greater Israel. Referred to collectively as the "Great March Of Return,' these demonstrations have turned deadly, with some reports stating that 7,000 Gazans have been injured and 45 killed as a result of skirmishes with Israeli forces.

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WNU Editor: As an asymetric warfare tactic .... this is actually brilliant. You cannot shoot these kites down. They are incredibly easy and cheap to make. And their impact could be devastating.


Anonymous said...

This tactic pushes the chances of an Israeli ground invasion higher.

Caecus said...

They are actually using a Hindu/Buddhist swastika instead of a Nazi version. Which is funny because using pagan symbols is prohibited in Islam

B.Poster said...

There is the "Dresden option." What would America do if Mexico started doing something like this? I'm sure the response would be quite devastating.

The tactic is brilliant assuming the Israelis are led by the typical pansies who have led them in the past and assuming America, their most important ally is led by the same types of pansies who have led them in the past. Benjiman Netanyahu and Donald Trump are many things. Pansies they are not.

Anonymous said...

Good luck to the guy holding the end of the string...

Unknown said...

The Sun symbol is at least 3,000 years old.

American Indian used them and they came from Asia 14,000 to 30,000 years ago.

You can see swastikas at The Sanxingdui Archeological Site and Museum. Those swastikas are 3,000 to 4,000 years old. I don't think the Shu had contact with India at the time.

No doubt the Palestinians have the full support of liberals due to their anti-semetic use of the Swastika.

Unknown said...

B(e) (Im)Poster

It would help your trolling, if you stuck to one persona and writing style.

fred said...

Between Smith's nutter Liberal crap and Dimitri's stupid remark about Israeli pansies, this comment section becomes very amusing.

Dimitri: most leaders in Israel come from stints in the military and they are hardly pansies...why you choose to be insulting is beyond me but must sit well with your handlers in Moscow

Smith: liberals and/conservatives/ and also ultra orthodox do not like fires raging in their nation..your obsession with liberals makes you look truly stupid

jimbrown said...

Iron dome has kite setting.

Anonymous said...

No need for Iron Dome.
They have a brilliant low tech solution already, model airplanes with knives to cut the string...

B.Poster said...


You write: "it would help your trolling, if you stuck to one persona and writing style." I'm confused sir. Please clarify. I suggest that Israel should not tolerate this, they need to respond decisively to such attacks, and I strongly suggest America would not tolerate such attacks from an adversary. How exactly does this make me a "troll?"

As to my "writing style," please clarify. Different posts by the editor express different points. Different points require different things to be expressed. As such, would we not expect someone's writing style to be different based upon the different points of view being expressed? Is this not the very definition of a thoughtful and intellectually honest person?

I actually respect you a great deal and learn much from your posts. If you can clarify what you are talking about it would be most helpful.

fred said...

Aizino (fake name)
answer the lad. help him out. He is not a liberal so it is ok

B.Poster said...


Again, when you have no argument, you insult me and accuse me of representing a foreign government. This is becoming way to predictable.

Just because someone is in the military or has been does not make them immune from criticism. While I was primarily thinking of Ehud Barak when I made my comment, from observation it has been my considered opinion that Israeli leaders for at least prior to Netanyahu have been weak and indecisive deferring to much to American leaders who have not always had their back. To me this is the very definition. As for our own leadership for the 16 years prior to DJT, our leaders were generally weak and indecisive deferring to much to countries like those in western Europe. Again, to me, this is the very definition of pansy. I'm sorry if anyone was offended.

Hans Persson said...

Thats the only thing fred do here, insult users.

B.Poster said...

"answer the lad. Help him out. He is not a liberal. It is okay."

As a former blogger who blogged prolifically, Andrew Sullivan I believe was his name, once observed anytime we post a great deal occasionally even the best of us will say something stupid. So, yes if you could help me out it would be most appreciated.

For example, recently I posted something on another thread that was inappropriate that I should not have posted. There can be no excuses for such things. I apologize and am truly sorry for offending anyone.

Unknown said...

Drone with fire extinguisher.
You’re welcome.
Please send consulting fee to my PayPal.

fred said...

dear poster
you called Israeli leaders pansies. then you later mention Andrew Sullivan...Andrew, a fine writer, is out of the closet gay, ie, a pansy as they used to say.


fred said...

Dear Hans

Nearly every time I comment, I also post the links constitute insults? Ruben: in some instances the Israelis have been using fans for the tires set on fire....and you seem not to have paypal account or I would send some money

Anonymous said...

I would classify a flaming kite used to set field on fire as an aerial assault rather than a peaceful demonstration and would act in a military manner

B.Poster said...


The term I probably should have used to describe Israeli and American leaders is "weak and indecisive." while being weak and indecisive can lead to a pansy as in a weak and cowardly person. Perhaps I made an inference that was not warranted. For example, what other factors not known to us made them behave in this manner.

In any even, this was the context I used it in. I did not use it to refer to a homosexual. If someone took it this way, I apologize.

Andrew Sullivan was a fine writer, on that we are in agreement. He was and still is many things. Being weak and indecisive was not one of them.

B.Poster said...

Pansy - Slang term meaning:

a. extremely disparaging and offensive, a contemptuous term used to refer to a male homosexual
b. offensive, a weak effeminate, and often cowardly man

This is from From the context, I clearly meant b and was not referring to a homosexual man. For the record, the definition of this word as it pertains to b could not be used to describe Mr. Sullivan. As for a, only a bigot would use such a word when describing a homosexual.

While being weak and indecisive before one's enemies could have the optics of being a pansy as in a weak and cowardly person, we do not know what other factors may have had a role in their behavior. As such upon further reflection, it was inappropriate for me to jump to such a conclusion and I apologize.

Anonymous said...


B.Poster said...

"Lol" I see many things on this thread, none of them funny. Please enlighten me. What did I miss?

Unknown said...

Anon was right to laugh even if he is another troll.

This is just to funny. Too many tells.

B.Poster said...

What is so funny? I asked anon to clarify. He or she did not do so. Perhaps you can clarify as to what I am missing. I actually could use a good laugh.

fred said...

Play nice you all

B.Poster said...

"Play nice you all." I always try to play nice. When I post something that is inappropriate or non factual and I realize it or is it called to my attention, I always apologize and try to take corrective action. To me this is the sign of a thoughtful and mature person.

I am looking at this thread again and perhaps I am beginning to see the humor in this. In the meantime, I very much enjoy the articles the editor posts and the comment sections. I have learned a great deal from this.:-)

Just a carpenter. said...

One side Hindu.. The other Nazi?

Bob Huntley said...

Bats and balloons and now kites. Frankly they should find a way to launch bats with incendiary or other bombs attached over Israel.

An old strategy when plague infected animals, dead or alive over fortress walls.

Unknown said...

"Errant bats from the experimental bat bomb set fire to the Carlsbad Army Airfield Auxiliary Air Base in New Mexico."

Everyone has done this at one time or another.

Including Cuba recently.

Early thermal weapons

"“If a person is not a liberal when he is twenty, he has no heart; if he is not a conservative when he is forty, he has no head.’" - John Adams

If some people would be better read, they might be able to make the transition.