Thursday, May 17, 2018

'Reeducation' Camps Have Returned To China

National Post/Washington Post: Former inmates of China's Muslim 'reeducation' camps tell of brainwashing and torture

Experts say Beijing has turned the troublesome Xinjiang region into a surveillance state, with ubiquitous checkpoints and widespread use of facial recognition technology

BEIJING — Kayrat Samarkand says his only “crime” was being a Muslim who had visited neighbouring Kazakhstan. On that basis alone, he was detained by police, aggressively interrogated for three days, then dispatched in November to a “reeducation camp” in China’s western province of Xinjiang for three months.

There, he faced endless brainwashing and humiliation, he said in an interview, was forced to study Communist propaganda for hours every day, and chant slogans giving thanks and wishing long life to President Xi Jinping.

“Those who disobeyed the rules, refused to be on duty, engaged in fights or were late for studies were placed in handcuffs and ankle cuffs for up to 12 hours,” he said. Further disobedience would result in waterboarding or long periods strapped in agony in a metal contraption known as a “tiger chair,” he said, a punishment he said he suffered.

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WNU Editor: Welcome to the China of President Xi.

More News On 'Reeducation' Camps Returning To China

Chinese mass-indoctrination camps evoke Cultural Revolution -- AP
What Really Happens in China's 'Re-education' Camps -- NYT
Muslims are forced to eat pork and drink alcohol as punishment in China's Islamic 're-education' camps, former inmates reveal -- Daily Mail/AP
Uyghurs: Victims of 21st Century Concentration Camps -- The Diplomat
New Evidence for China’s Political Re-Education Campaign in Xinjiang -- Adrian Zenz. Jamestown Foundation


jac said...

China begin with the Muslim's, other's will have their turn later...or sooner. That's a very bad news for the Chinese's, but that's a good one for the West. This kind of Dictatorship cut dynamic and creativity of the people. Go he-head Xi!

Unknown said...

Some liberal celebrity, apparatchik or politician in the U.S will endorse this.

While an ethnic Chinese after a re-education camp will have pride in China, they will have nothing but contempt for the communist leaders.

On the bright side we'll have all these external heat engines running around that we can connect to a steam cycle to create free inexhaustible energy.