War machines up close: RT takes a sneak peek at V-Day parade final rehearsal https://t.co/qhBXOEY4zm pic.twitter.com/Rsxhz4GJ0Y— RT (@RT_com) May 6, 2018
WNU Editor: Russia's Victory Parade will be held at Red Square, Wednesday, May 9. And speaking of military parades .... House Republicans Prepare to Endorse Trump’s Military Parade (Bloomberg).
Well I can brak all your toys kids
What about the garden
a military parade supported by the GOP who never served by finding ways to avoid serving...and yes, some Dems did not serve, but then how many Dems (mr smith please note) support this parade. The idea (trap) is to have a parade and then heap scorn on those who diss the parade. Ok. I diss it.
Actually I think the parade would be a huge morale boost for the troops and the American people. Relative to every thing else we are spending the cost is minimal, there is no downside risk that I'm aware that isn't present when large groups gather in the US, and the upside potential is huge. As such, I see no rational reason to oppose it.
Of course there are aspects of American foreign policy that seem questionable at best. Fresh from the morale boost to the troops and the American people that a full scale military parade would bring both the American people and the troops might start asking hard questions of our leaders. This would understandably make allot of people nervous. I think this along with irrational Trump hatred may explain the hystetical opposition to a full scale military parade.
Plakatas, mūsų drone: tu girdi apie Motinos Rusiją ir pernelyg silpnai lenkai eina, bet gerai, kad galėtum išsigąsti visiškai nesąmoningu, nes tu mokai už savo valdovą Putiną.
Parade for a draft dodger... GOP 2018.
Anon, the parade would not be for DJT. It would be for the military. DJT will not even be present as it would only distract from the message being conveyed. It is a blessing for America to FINALLY have a POTUS who places the interrsts of America and its citizens above his own.
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