Tuesday, May 22, 2018

U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis Talks Strategy

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis testified before the House Armed Services Committee on Thursday. Credit Joshua Roberts/Reuters

Washington Times: Mattis on strategy

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said the recently completed U.S. defense strategy, the first in 10 years, will be used to guide the revamping of the military during the Trump administration.

“Without a sound strategy, the most brilliant generals, the most well-equipped troops, the most high-tech equipment, fine tactics — none of that works unless your strategy, your framework for what you’re doing, can actually tie ways and means together,” Mr. Mattis said in a recent speech.

The retired Marine Corps general said the new strategy identifies China and Russia as the major threats facing the country and will be used as a rationale for more stable defense funding after years of cutbacks. In formulating the strategy, Pentagon strategists categorized security threats and recognized the prime danger as coming from state actors like China and Russia, not from terrorist groups.

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WNU Editor: Having a debate on strategy and what are the long term interests for he U.S. is something that the U.S. has not had  for a very long time. I can only hope that this will elevate the conversation.

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