Friday, May 11, 2018

Vietnam Demands China Remove Its Missiles From The South China Sea

Business Insider: Vietnam asks Beijing to withdraw its missiles from the South China Sea

* Vietnam has asked China to withdraw military equipment from the South China Sea, following media reports this month that China had installed missiles there.
* China installed anti-ship cruise missiles and surface-to-air missile systems on three of its outposts in the South China Sea, according to sources with direct knowledge of U.S. intelligence reports.
* China claims 90 percent of the potentially energy-rich maritime territory. Other Asian countries including the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan also have claims to parts of the waterway.

HANOI (Reuters) - Vietnam has asked China to withdraw military equipment from the South China Sea, following media reports this month that China had installed missiles there.

"Vietnam requests that China, as a large country, shows its responsibility in maintaining peace and stability in the East Sea," Vietnamese foreign ministry spokeswoman Le Thi Thu Hang said in a Tuesday statement, referring to the South China Sea.

Read more ....

Update #1: Vietnam demands China remove military equipment from disputed South China Sea islands -- Jane's 360
Update #2: Hanoi demands Beijing withdraw missiles from disputed islands -- AFP

WNU Editor: It is too late for Vietnam .... and for everyone else to stop the Chinese .... Beijing winning the great South China Sea game (Jansen Tham, Japan Times).


Anonymous said...

Wnu the south China Sea is not just important for natural resources, but more importantly, for trade. If all your neighbours hate you - and that's what it's like here in APAC, your glorious strategy is short sighted. China has not learned this lesson yet and it's embarrassing to watch

Mike Feldhake said...

I think this is being out on back burner while Korea is in play. If powers negotiate successful deal with NK, then this will be the next negotiating target.