Saturday, June 9, 2018

A Look at the Taliban’s Growing Combat Capability

Alec Worsnop, Modern War Institute: From Guerrilla to Maneuver Warfare: A Look at the Taliban’s Growing Combat Capability

The growing territorial reach exercised by the Taliban poses a notable threat to the stability of the Afghan government. The insurgents’ persistence and adaptability points to an underappreciated trend. While guerrilla warfare has been consistently identified as a way for less powerful actors to counter much stronger fighting forces, treating the tactic as a “primitive’” weapon of the weak underestimates the complexity involved in fighting guerrilla wars, let alone transitioning into movement warfare. Guerrilla warfare requires reliable small units that can fire and maneuver to retain the tactical offensive against much stronger foes.

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WNU Editor: Bottom line .... the Afghan Taliban are becoming more capable as a fighting force.


Unknown said...
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B.Poster said...

"Of course that means they are training us too." Excellent point!! The Soviet Union couldn't win in Afghanistan. In retrospect I think it was the height of hubris for us to think we could.

"Who is the better pupil?" This is not "known" at this time. Unfortunately given the track record of our leadership I see little cause for optimism. With that said POTUS has shown flashes of common sense. This does allow some hope for optimism. Furthermore I anticipate POTUS being in a better position after the mid terms.

Stephen Davenport said...

No they are not.

Mike Feldhake said...

Again; this is an intractable war. Create zones and protec them; then send out assets and others punish Taliban from the Air. Set no limits or time tables.