Friday, June 15, 2018

A Military Widow ‘Bachelorette’?

Amy Bushatz, Task & Purpose/ A Military Widow ‘Bachelorette?’ What Could Go Wrong?

File this one under: “And we thought Reality TV couldn’t get worse.” The answer, as always, is “yes, it can.”

Casting producers for an upcoming Fox Network show are “searching the country for one amazing woman who unfortunately lost her husband/boyfriend/fiancé before they were able to start a family,” according to a message sent by Cherish Hamutoff, a Hollywood casting producer. “We are looking [for] an all American woman whose partner was a hero (military, police, firefighter) to be our lead on the series.”

In other words: bring out your military widows, you guys. Reality TV wants to exploit them for the sport of TV drama.

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WNU Editor: It is when I read articles like this one that I will admit that I do not understand American culture.


Anonymous said...

You have culture? ^^ man..I've not been following the news lately

...when did you get it?


jimbrown said...

it just makes me think over and over in my head yabadaba do.

B.Poster said...

I'm an American and I don't get our culture either.

B.Poster said...

Actually whoever submitted the proposal for this show and whoever approved it, if it has been approved, does not understand American culture either. This series is going to flop and it is going to flop badly assuming it goes forward at all. I predict the network will pull the plug on this before it goes on air recognizing the reality that such a program will flop and it will flop badly.