Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Another American Sickened By Mysterious Attacks On U.S. Diplomats in Cuba, China

Embassy of the United States, Havana, Cuba

PJ Media: 25th American Sickened by Mysterious Attacks on U.S. Diplomats in Cuba, China

WASHINGTON -- Another U.S. diplomat has been confirmed to be suffering from the same ill health effects as embassy personnel sickened by mysterious attacks in Cuba and China.

The State Department first heard about the incidents in late 2016 and news broke last summer that they believed a sonic device outside the range of audible sound was targeted at the residences of U.S. diplomats, operating either inside or outside their homes. Officials have been investigating whether a third country looking for "payback" against the U.S. was involved, possibly with the assistance of Cuban security services. Those affected suffered "cognitive, vestibular, and oculomotor dysfunction, along with auditory symptoms, sleep abnormalities, and headache," and were left with conditions including mild traumatic brain injury and permanent hearing loss.

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WNU Editor: This is one of those situations where everyone knows that there is more at play than what we know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yup. I bet it's China. They like to harass and intimidate pretty much everyone. Been beating up fishermen in the south China Sea, been endangering US planes by blinding pilots with lasers - they don't fickng care about international law or human rights. This will get bloody if they don't change, and China will be pounced on by the entire world pretty much. I see mass casualties if they go on like this. The world has had enough and wants someone to stand up against them. That'll be the US and NATO. A few days later rest of Asia will join in. China cannot win. No matter how much they want to rule the world, the world doesn't accept them - double so if they keep it up with their bullying