Friday, June 29, 2018

Are Americans Desperately Seeking To Escape The News?

Bloomberg: Freaked Out Americans Desperately Seek to Escape the News

Last week, Jen Wrenn, a children’s literacy advocate in San Diego, attended her first political protest after reading about the Trump administration policy of separating small children from their immigrant parents at the border.

She had heard ProPublica’s audio of a little girl crying in the border camp and decided to do something about it. She shouted. She marched. And afterwards, she decompressed by watching the Mr. Rogers documentary, “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?”

“As soon as I hear the theme song, my blood pressure goes down,” Wrenn said. “I think that kind of calm is what we all crave mentally right now.”

Read more ....

WNU Editor: It depends on where you are on the political spectrum. My brother supported President Obama/Hillary Clinton and cannot stand President Trump .... he is in meltdown mode (and has been since the election), and he cannot watch the news. The Food Network is his preferred media outlet now. As for those who I know who support President Trump .... they are in heaven right now and they cannot get enough of the news, especially from sources that they see as fair to the President. In my case .... it makes no difference. I am a news junkie who craves information from all sides.


Mike Feldhake said...

I'm an American and a news junkie, been that way for many years. But, a lot of people just tune it out and watch/listen to other things.

fred said...

I began as a news junkie but now i simply a junkie

anon said...

That still doesn't seem to ease your pain Fred.

Carl said...

I'm a news junkie but I prefer to read it. The only news channel we watch in my house is the Weather Channel. It's the only one that doesn't regularly insult human intelligence.

Unknown said...
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