Monday, June 18, 2018

Black Flies And Mosquitoes Have Invaded The World Cup In Russia

USA Today: Massive swarms of bugs are invading the World Cup ahead of England-Tunisia in Volgograd

Flies and mosquitos are running rampant in the Russian city of Volgograd ahead of Monday's World Cup clash between England and Tunisia.

Helicopters have been deployed to spray insecticide on the Volgograd Arena, which will host four games over the course of the tournament.

Volgograd – formerly Stalingrad – sits along the Volga River in the southwest part of the country. The stadium itself is right on the bank of the river, which many fear could mean the bug problem will be even worse than in other parts of the city.

English press and fans have taken to Twitter to voice the seriousness of the problem. The swarms of bugs have caused some broadcasters to cancel live shots and are wreaking havoc in the city's fan zones.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: I have experienced the man-eating black flies and mosquitoes that show-up at this time of year in this part of Russia .... it is no joke. These things eat you alive ... and it is a gazillion times worse outside of the cities. But as bad as it is in Russia .... take it from me .... these flies and mosquitoes are puny to the ones that swarm the Quebec Laurentians and northern Quebec at this time of year. I was once caught in a swarm .... and I literally had to run for my life because to these guys I was prime beef. That is why it is always a relief to see the dragonflies show up. Now these guys are even bigger than the flies and mosquitoes .... and they eat these guys like there is no tomorrow that within a week or two everything returns back to normal. Sighhh .... the cycle of life.


Anonymous said...

Go to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area in the far north of Minnesota during the summer. It's a mostly paddle only water way from Minnesota into Canada. The black flies are strong enough to airlift you around the lake.

Anonymous said...

I agree the North American variety of black flies and mosquitoes are some bad dudes.

PS. I have experienced mosquitoes in other parts of the world who'd give them a run for their money, but that was more situational.

Anonymous said...

Anon above,
No I don't want to go there, I believe.

Bobs a dopey commenter said...

You’d love the midgies here in the top end of Australia. They will turn a good day out into a nightmare, even more so for the women and children