Monday, June 25, 2018

Cocaine Production Hits Record High In Colombia

The Hill: White House: Cultivation of plant used in cocaine production hits record high in Colombia

Cultivation of the plant used to make cocaine has reached an all-time high in Colombia, the White House said in a report Monday.

Coca cultivation increased 11 percent, to about 807 square miles in 2017, according to the Office of National Drug Control Policy. Potential pure cocaine production increased by 19 percent, to 921 metric tons, that same year.

“President Trump’s message to Colombia is clear: the record growth in cocaine production must be reversed,” said ONDCP Deputy Director Jim Carroll in a statement. "Colombia is an important United States partner with a critical role. We will continue to work with them to reduce drastically the production of cocaine destined for the United States.”

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More News On Cocaine Production Hitting A Record High In Colombia

US report: Colombia coca production surges to record high -- AP
Coca Cultivation in Colombia Reaches New High -- Wall Street Journal
Colombia’s coca production reaches all-time high -- Colombia Reports
Colombia's Cocaine Production Reaches All Time High: US -- NDTV
Colombia’s out-of-control cocaine production ‘unacceptable’: US -- Colombia Reports


fred said...

Must be Obama’s fault

Anonymous said...

Gotta keep California well supplied.

Anonymous said...

Largest population and easiest state to get your hands on it. Especially here in Southern California, easier than pie.